
ついに登場したアップルの生成AI 「Apple Intelligence」:プライバシーと連携を重視 "Apple Intelligence: Apple's Generative AI Finally Unveiled: Emphasizing Privacy and Integration”

アップルは6月10日(現地時間)、年次の開発者向けイベント「WWDC24」で、生成AIを取り入れた新しいAI機能「Apple Intelligence(アップル インテリジェンス)」を発表しました。これはiOSやmacOS上で動作し、アプリ間の連携とプライバシー保護に重きを置いた設計が特徴です。また、OpenAIとの連携も公表されています。この記事では、Apple Intelligenceの特徴を7つのポイントで解説します。

1. プライバシーを重視したAI

Apple IntelligenceはA17 ProとMシリーズの半導体に対応しており、主にオンデバイス処理を行います。これにより、ユーザーのプライバシーを守りつつ、高速なAI処理を実現します。

2. AI文章ツール


3. Siriの進化


4. 画像生成AI「Image Playground」


5. 通話時のAI要約機能


6. ChatGPTとの連携


7. 今後の展開と日本語対応


English Version

On June 10th, Apple unveiled its new AI feature, "Apple Intelligence," at the annual WWDC24 developer event. Operating on iOS and macOS, this feature emphasizes app integration and privacy protection. Additionally, collaboration with OpenAI was announced. Here, we explain the seven key features of Apple Intelligence.

1. Privacy-Focused AI

Apple Intelligence supports the A17 Pro and M series chips, primarily performing on-device processing. This ensures user privacy while delivering fast AI processing.

2. AI Writing Tool

AI-powered writing support is available in email and messaging apps, allowing for seamless generation, revision, and proofreading of text according to themes.

3. Enhanced Siri

The new Siri has evolved into a contextual and conversational AI assistant. It can read on-screen information and respond to text commands.

4. Image Generation AI "Image Playground"

This image generation AI feature does not require complex prompts. Users can simply input themes or concepts to easily generate images.

5. AI Summary for Calls

Integrated with the iPhone's phone app, this AI feature allows for call recording, transcription, and summarization.

6. Collaboration with ChatGPT

With OpenAI's latest model, GPT-4o, integrated, users can access ChatGPT's features via Siri and writing tools.

7. Future Expansion and Japanese Support

Currently, only English is supported, but other languages will be added in the future. Japanese support is expected by 2025.

#アップルインテリジェンス #WWDC24 #生成AI
#AppleIntelligence #WWDC24 #GenerativeAI
