2024/4/13 英単語の勉強頑張りたい、Go言語始めてみた、友人とご飯

From today, I started keeping a diary for my English learning.

Topic 1 : A Engilish vocabulary learning 

Finally, I have been pushed into a situation where I need to study English for the TOEIC examination, which is an important factor for my promotion appraisal in my company.
I actually took the TOEIC exam last February, but I suspect that the result may not be sufficient for the promotion exam. Therefore, I will retry it next May.

I believe that the remedy for improving my score and my English ability is to increase my English vocabulary. While I can guess the meaning of unknown words to some extent, guessing is just guessing. Guessing words can be incorrect, and this happens quite often in my case. So, I have bought several vocabulary books and will take some practice tests. I hope this strategy leads to a good result in May.

Topic 2 : Start learing of Golang

In my job, I often engage in programming tasks using Python, and sometimes I use Python to set up applications. However, I have recently started to feel unsatisfied with Python. Of course, I think Python is a very good programming language, which is the perfect choice for junior or novice developers because of its dynamic type inference and simple grammar. But these strengths sometimes lead to confusion in team development and operation. In fact, I often find Python code to be chaotic.

Therefore, I have decided to embark on a journey to find a more suitable programming language. It is important to carefully select the programming language for use in work. I weigh several options, and the most promising candidate for now is Golang. I plan to start exploring the Go programming language from today onwards.

The most promissing candidate is Golang for now. I'm planning to start exploring the Go programming language from today onwards

Topic 3: Dinner with my old freinds.

Today, since I had nothing specific to do and was completely free, I decided to invite an old friend to my house for dinner. He has just returned from a long journey in South America (Peru, Bolivia, Chile). Since I had plenty of time, I decided to cook dinner. I chose Korean food, Possum, as I thought it would complement beer or other alcohol. Additionally, I bought some pizza, dessert, and drinks (actually, they exceeded our stomach capacity).

Since last December, we haven't seen each other, so it was a great time to catch up on our recent situations and reminisce about old times.

I also found out that his house is surprisingly close to where I live now, so I plan to visit him frequently from now on.

Today that's all, bye.

