
Discussion on Japan's Support for Ukraine



In March 2024, the Japanese National Diet held extensive discussions on support for Ukraine. This article summarizes the discussions, highlighting Japan's current support for Ukraine and future prospects.

Current Support for Ukraine

The Japanese government is undertaking various initiatives to support Ukraine, particularly in the agricultural sector. These initiatives include distributing seeds, providing demining support, supplying research equipment, and inviting agricultural experts from Ukraine to Japan. In February 2024, the Japan-Ukraine Economic Reconstruction Promotion Conference was held, where Prime Minister Kishida expressed support for Ukraine's economic recovery and industrial modernization​​.

International Cooperation and Japan's Position

Japan is actively collaborating with the international community, including the G7, to implement sanctions against Russia and support Ukraine. In particular, Japan supports judicial infrastructure development and anti-corruption measures in Ukraine. At the G7 Justice Ministers' Meeting, the establishment of the Ukraine Anti-Corruption Task Force was decided. This task force has already held two meetings and will continue to support Ukraine's reconstruction efforts​​.

Ukraine Crisis and Food Issues

Ukraine's grain exports have been significantly affected by Russia's invasion. Before the invasion, Ukraine exported over 60 million tons of grain annually, a vital part of its economy. Through the Black Sea Grain Initiative, approximately 32 million tons of grain were delivered worldwide, but Russia's unilateral termination of the initiative has been widely condemned​​.

To support grain exports from Ukraine, the Japanese government has implemented emergency grant aid to transport Ukrainian wheat to Somalia. Through such efforts, Japan aims to support Ukraine's agricultural sector and alleviate global food insecurity​​.

Future Prospects

The Japanese government plans to continue working with the international community to ensure fair and lasting peace in Ukraine. By balancing sanctions against Russia with support for Ukraine, Japan aims to enhance Ukraine's economic recovery and industrial modernization through coordinated efforts between the public and private sectors​​.


The discussions on support for Ukraine highlighted a wide range of specific support measures. Japan is steadily advancing its support for Ukraine's recovery through various initiatives, including agricultural support and judicial infrastructure development. By strengthening international cooperation, efforts to achieve sustainable peace will continue. This steady approach reflects the Japanese saying, "slow and steady wins the race," as Japan takes one step at a time toward its goals.
