Graph Databases

In the field of manufacturing companies, it is normal to work with processes of transformation and evolution of raw and basic materials. During this process, one passes from obtaining basic materials to totally manufactured products. However, this process is not as simple as it seems. Firstly, because basic materials come in the form of batches. In this way, several batches are mixed with other batches to form an intermediate product. Then other batches evolve over time or are mixed with other batches. Keeping track of this entire manufacturing process is very tedious. And the problems are compounded when there is a problem or defect in a given batch and you have to find out where to go to remove all the products affected by that problem. To model this problem, traditional database management systems based on the relational model are not suitable. Since the nature of this problem is nodes and their corresponding connections For this reason, graph databases are much more appropriate for designing a fully automated tracking solution.
