
The game is a foot ….. on his head

One big question that comes to my mind, is this anointed cherub that covers (son of God) crazy? Going up against the Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent being. Nobody, not even the other sons of God have peered behind the curtain, to fully comprehend the who of GOD. The LORD has said talking to Moses in the book of Exodus 33:20 "But you may not look directly at my face, for no one may see me and live." In the book of John 1:18 No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known. I can appreciate the push back in this by people saying, but the Angels were allowed to look upon his face, they could appear before GOD. They had access during pre-appointed times to stand before him in his presence this does not mean they saw his face, the book of Isaiah 6:2 says they covered their faces. They went to GOD in a similar fashion to what the High Priest of Israel did, but he was only allowed to enter the Holy of Holies once a year and with a blood sacrifice. Here is a quandary, the Man and Woman let us call them Adam, were created as image bearers of GOD. Before the fall they were the definition of innocence, they were smart, able, but they were less powerful than the Angels. As we can see from garden interaction, they were easily manipulated and naïve. They were as pronounced by God himself made in “our image” like God and the sons of God, the reflection of the creator. The anointed cherub that covers looked at this image of the Divine and was not impressed he only saw weakness and thought that it should be him ruling and receiving worship. I believe Lucifer is still not sure what he's dealing with though, how powerful is GOD? The only thing that was apparent after garden incident is the Snake was punished, the Man and woman were going to experience death and all their offspring after them (both physical and spiritual separation), and the Despite this terrible event in His-story GOD prophesied, had pre-planned that from the woman a savior will come. Lucifer's next move would be to try an eliminate any possibility of a savior through their offspring. That often gets skipped here is there was no obvious ruler for earth at this point. I am speaking specifically of a ruler under GOD to take over. Adam was no longer in that position. Why is this important? When we jump ahead in His- story, In the wilderness encounter between Jesus and the devil, keeping in mind the Holy Spirit lead him there, this was encounter of GOD's choosing. The anointed cherub makes Jesus an offer, we see in the book of Matthew 4: 9 the devil took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. 9 And he said to Him, “All these things I will give You if You fall down and worship me.” The interesting thing here is, yes, the Devil is the Father of lies, but remember you cannot offer up something you do not possess. So, at some point after the fall of Adam the cherub is made the ruler / guardian of the earth under GOD. The GOoD news is Jesus passed the test and won, after the cross and resurrection day 'the foot' is now resting on that old Serpent's head bruised, but victorious.
