
Men are not from Mars, but dirt, and Women are part of men

When humans were created, not from cosmic goo, not planet alien seeding, not by accident. It was by design, by love, by GOD. This has not changed, there is no one, I repeat no one is an accident. There are bad decisions made every day and people that live for their own selfish ways, and not GOD's plans for their lives. No baby born is an accident. Sin has warped, mutated, and changed us from what was intended, but you are not a mistake, I have jumped off course a little, but we need reminding that we are fiercely loved. Man was created first, someone had to be first and woman was created out of man. They were designed as the imagers of GOD, separate, but they are one, made from the same substance.  The sexes are different on many levels, just like your hand is different from your foot, and your foot from your ear, but they all serve a purpose in the body, they are useful and needed.  Man and woman were equal, both given rulership On earth together over everything GOD had made. Both were to tend the garden in Eden and populate the earth, spread the Edenic vision and rule together.  It was not until after the "fall" in the garden that man was given authority over the woman notice it was only then that she was named by him. Naming was a matter of control and ownership over something. This was a direct result of the choices they both had made.  It was not how it was designed to be ; this was their free choice and their doing. We, you, and I we are born into this, death, a warping of what should have been, but GOD made it so we could have a way out, a way back. You do not have to remain in this mistake, defined by their choice. Jesus was borne, Emanuel GOD with us, lived and willing died on the cross to give me, you, and everyone a way out. Jesus did what the man in the garden would not do, what Lucifer didn't even try to do, when the rest of the sons of God were silent, but GOD loves us and wants to fix our mistakes. That's what a loving parent does for their kids, you do not have to live in this anymore, ever. How do you get out? Just ask and believe GOD can do what GOD promises to do. Then live anew, under the Lordship of GOD who Is so in love with you. How do I know? He died for you too.

Galatians 3: 26-29
You are not a mistake, period!
