
Who watches the Watchers?

Genesis Chapter 6

The sons of God in the text are referring to spirit beings that did not stay in their designated home in the spiritual realm, the heavens. These Sons of God came to earth according to the book of Enoch and were two hundred in number, they descended In the days of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon. This part will be incredibly interesting once we get to New Testament writings. They knew that there would be consequences for their actions and bound themselves with an oath, they all agreed together to do this whatever outcome. I have no proof that an individual son of God working behind the scenes to perhaps insight this group to do this plan, but the evidence of their actions speak volumes. They would attempt to pollute the line of humans and by doing so hopefully kill any chance that the prophecy given by God in Eden, “I will put enmity between you and the Woman, between your offspring and her offspring; he shall crush your head and you shall bruise his heel. (Genesis 3): 15) I do not believe it is coincidental that they were lusting after earthly woman, the lusting of the eye's idea had worked very well already for someone back in the Garden and appears to be a similar thing happening here. Before we go to far, I would like to address the Sethite Theory by looking first at a passage in Jude verse six, And the Angels who did not stay within their own position of authority but left their proper dwelling – these he has kept in eternal chains under gloomy darkness until the judgment of the great day. Then in 2 Peter 4-5 For if God did not spare angels when they sinned but sent them to hell and committed them to chains of gloomy darkness to be kept until judgment; and spared not the old world, but Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing the flood on the world of the ungodly. Were both Peter and Jude wrong or were they referring to an event that only they knew about? This is another example of both men writing to an audience that was aware of the history of events and completely understood what they were referencing. The Sethite Theory, that says these sons of God were merely the Godly line of Seth are just like the Nephilim, it does not float. Now these sons of God are not only credited with the ungodly union and the prodigy they produced, but they are They  would teach them things that would make it easier for people to be even more destructive to one another. These practices included charms enchantments. One of the two hundred sons of God that went by the name of Azazel taught the making of swords, knives, shields, armor, metallurgy, amongst others. I mention this spiritual being specifically not as a leader or anything. .. like that, but that it is mentioned after these things that were taught from the text in Enoch it goes on to say, 'and there arose much godlessness and they committed fornication, and were led astray, and became corrupt in all their ways 'It is interesting to note that the name of this particular son of God will show up in Leviticus 16: 8 as the name of The scapegoat or rather who the scape goat is for, in Hebrew it is Azazel, coincidence, possibly. This scapegoat had all the sins of the Jewish people laid ceremonially on it and it was let go alive into the wilderness to take them to Azazel. Getting back to Genesis we see God layout his plan to Noah and begin the process of passing judgment on all The evil and corruption.  He sends Enoch as a messenger to the rebel sons of God to tell them about their impending judgment. They will get to see the destruction of their offspring and they themselves will be consigned to chains of gloomy darkness. Who they asked The answer was no, they had free will in making their choices and they had no respect for God or the creation he loves. God will again make good out of a horribly situation and will continue the plan through Noah. 

Next up, Whatever floats your boat.
