
だて市政だより5月号(英訳版) Public Relations Magazine DATE English Digest - May 2023

You make the talk of the town!
Recruiting Date Photo Club Members

P13 あなたが話題を作る!「だてフォト部」部員募集

Contact Public Relations and Secretarial Department's Public Relations and Civic Virtue Section ☎ 024-575-1113

Why not share the charm of Date City through photographs and videos? We are recruiting members for the “Date Photo Club”.
Eligibility People who live, work, or attend school within the city, and meet the following three conditions:
① Have an interest in, and fondness for, Date City
② Have an intent to support Date City
③ Have the ability to promote Date City through social networking services (SNS), etc.
Primary Activities Photograph or film the scenery, food, events, festivals, people, etc., of Date City, and share this both within and beyond the city through the City-managed “Date Photo Club” Instagram account and other forms of SNS.
Appointment Term One year, beginning July 1st, 2023
Recruitment Period Thursday, April 27th ~ Monday, June 19th
Application Method Download the application form from the City’s homepage, and either bring, mail, or email it to the Public Relations and Secretarial Department (on the 3rd floor of the City Hall’s East Building).
Application Recipient General Affairs Division’s Public Relations and Secretarial Department, Public Relations and Civic Virtue Section
Email: press@city.fukushima-date.lg.jp
Additional Information There is no compensation for club members, but workshops on photography techniques, etc., are held. Additionally, collections of the photos taken will be presented as gifts.

Date City Community Firefighters Appointed for Activity as Local Leaders

P19 地域のリーダーとして活動を 伊達市消防団に辞令交付

(Sunday, April 2nd at the Hobara Civic Center)
An appointment ceremony was held for approximately 150 community firefighters, including new or retiring members, and those receiving promotions. “I would like you to discipline yourself as a community leader, strive towards self-improvement, meet the demands entrusted upon you by local residents, and progress with activities that make community firefighting brigades an admired entity,” instructed newly appointed Community Firefighter Commander SAITŌ Yūji before both new members and commanding officers, among others.

Contact Requested in Case of Pre-Entrance School Lifestyle Aptitude Examination Notification Nondelivery

P23 就学前学校生活適性検査 通知未達の場合は連絡を

Applicability Households with children entering elementary school in the 2024 academic year
Details If the notice has not yet arrived, please contact the School Education Department as soon as possible.
Contact School Education Department's Instruction Section ☎ 024-573-5833

At the Museum: “MASUDA Reika Exhibition ~ Flowers and Travel and Dreams ~”

P25 美術館「舛田玲香展~花と旅と夢と~」

Date Saturday, April 29th ~ Sunday, May 21st
9:30 AM ~ 5 PM (Admission ends at 4:30 PM) (Closed Mondays)
Location Date City’s Yanagawa Art Museum
Details Fifty works by Fukushima artist MASUDA Reika will be exhibited
Admission Fee General admission, ¥300; high school and college students, ¥200; middle school students and younger, free
※ Upon the display of a disability certificate, the named person and one assistant are granted free admission

Gallery Talk with the Artist

Date Saturday, May 6th 1:30 ~ 3 PM
Application Not necessary (Attendees to gather at event starting time)
Contact Date City’s Yanagawa Art Museum ☎ 024-527-2656

A portion of Gekka no Yume (Moon Flower Dream) (2023)

A Day and Night with the Violin of FURUSAWA Iwao

P25 古澤巖ヴァイオリンの昼と夜

Date Wednesday, May 24th
1 PM・・・Mini-Concert
3 PM・・・Day Concert
7 PM・・・Night Concert
※ The venue opens 30 minutes prior to each concert
Location Date City Hometown Assembly Hall
Admission Fee Advance Tickets, ¥5000; Same-Day Tickets, ¥5500
※ The mini-concert is free
Capacity 250 people
Contact Date City Hometown Assembly Hall ☎ 024-583-3244

Ryōzen Fresh Verdure Festival Held Wednesday, May 3rd through Saturday, May 6th

P25 5月3日㊌~6日㊏霊山新緑まつり

Location Ryōzen trailhead parking lot
Distribution of Commemorative Badges・・・Begins at 8:30 AM, for the first 400 people each day
Local Produce Market・・・Open from 9 AM to 3 PM
※ As congestion is expected, please park per the instructions given by attendants
Contact Ryōzen Kōsaikan ☎ 024-589-2233

Date City Municipal Library

P26 伊達市立図書館

Temporary Closure Notification Thursday, May 25th ~ Wednesday, May 31st
The municipal library and the library at the Hobara Central Exchange Hall will be closed for an inventory check.
※ Please return books through the book drop.
※ The digital library will be available for use.
※ The libraries at the Yanagawa, Ryōzen, and Tsukidate Central Exchange Halls will be open.

Hours 9 AM ~ 7 PM (until 5 PM on Sundays and Holidays)
Closed Mondays
Contact ☎ 024-551-2132

Coordinator for International Relations’ Monthly Column by Anthony Gillan

P31 連載コラム国際交流員の活動日誌

Golden Week Gardening

   It can be said that the beginning of May offers the best weather of the year in Japan, and in most years many people head out to enjoy the consecutive holidays of this “Golden Week.” Which means that any place you visit at this time, whether tourist attraction or family restaurant, is packed to the brim with vacationers enjoying their few brief days of freedom. So I’ve found that the best way to relax during this time, is to not leave home at all; and certainly the best way to enjoy fine weather while staying at home is gardening.
   I should say that I had always been terrible at gardening. I had neither experience nor confidence; and as a child watching my mother try to grow a garden at our home near Seattle, I came to believe that gardening was the hobby of painstakingly growing delicious food for slugs and other invertebrate guests. However, twenty years later I found myself moving to Date City, into a small house with an even smaller garden of about three square meters. Leaving it untouched would mean letting it grow up into an ugly thicket, and so I naively tried sowing within it a packet of sunflower seeds. The next year, the coronavirus pandemic dictated that days off meant days spent at home, and I spent a lot of time in that garden. That’s how I got hooked on horticulture. Eventually my planting habits had spilled out of my garden and into numerous large planters, which formed the base of the green curtains that completely covered the southern side of my house.
   I should say that I’m still terrible at gardening. Every year, any vegetables I try raising are quickly eaten up by pests and disease, and my small garden plot inescapably becomes a foreboding forest of weeds. Yet I have at least gained some experience with gardening during my time in Date City; and more importantly, I now have confidence that through study and effort I can become proficient with plants. A dream has also sprouted; for in the future I want to study botany and horticulture, and grow delicious food on more land than my current three square meters. If this dream comes true, it can be said that it first took root while I was living in Date City.