
音楽と数学の関係性について、磯山 雅 著『マタイ受難曲』に学ぶ

音楽と数学は、どのように関係しているのでしょうか。この問いに答えるために、磯山 雅氏の著書『マタイ受難曲』を紹介したいと思います。この本は、バッハの名作『マタイ受難曲』を数学的な視点から分析し、音楽の構造や美しさを解き明かすものです。

磯山 雅(いそやま ただし、1946年4月30日 - 2018年2月22日)は、日本の音楽学者。元国立音楽大学招聘教授。元大阪音楽大学客員教授です。




  • 数字暗号:バッハは、自分の名前やキリストの名前などを数字に変換して、音楽に取り入れています。例えば、「B-A-C-H」は「2-1-3-8」という数字になりますが、これが第68曲「われら汝を見捨てたり」の最後に現れます。

  • 数字記号:バッハは、数字を記号として使って、音楽に意味を込めています。例えば、「3」は聖霊、「4」は地上、「7」は完全、「10」は神の摂理、「12」は使徒、「14」は救世主などという意味があります。

  • 数字構造:バッハは、数字を構造として使って、音楽の形式や対称性を作り出しています。例えば、「14」はバッハ自身の数字であると同時に、「7×2」という形で表されることが多くありますが、これは完全さと二元性を表しています。

  • 数字比率:バッハは、数字の比率を使って、音楽の調和や美しさを表現しています。例えば、「3:2」や「4:3」や「5:4」などの比率は、ピタゴラス教団が発見した単純な比率であり、美しい和音に対応します。




Learn about the relationship between music and mathematics from Tadashi Isoyama's "St. Matthew Passion"

How are music and mathematics related? To answer this question, I would like to introduce Tadashi Isoyama's ``St. Matthew Passion.'' This book analyzes Bach's masterpiece "St. Matthew Passion" from a mathematical perspective and uncovers the structure and beauty of the music.

Tadashi Isoyama (April 30, 1946 - February 22, 2018) was a Japanese musicologist. He is a former visiting professor at Kunitachi College of Music. He is a former visiting professor at Osaka College of Music.

He not only played piano and organ, but also composed and conducted music. He was deeply interested in the relationship between music and mathematics, and wrote and gave many lectures.

The St. Matthew Passion is an oratorio completed by Bach in 1736. This epic work, which depicts the passion and resurrection of Christ, is approximately three hours long, and the music woven by chorus, soloists, and orchestra is moving and beautiful. However, this work contains not only musical elements but also mathematical elements.

Tadashi Isoyama categorizes the mathematical elements in this work as follows.

-Numerical code: Bach converted his own name, the name of Christ, etc. into numbers and incorporated them into his music. For example, ``B-A-C-H'' becomes ``2-1-3-8,'' which appears at the end of song 68, ``We Have Forsaken Thee.''

  • Numeric symbols: Bach uses numbers as symbols to give meaning to his music. For example, "3" means the Holy Spirit, "4" means the earth, "7" means perfection, "10" means God's providence, "12" means the apostle, "14" means the savior, etc.

  • Number structure: Bach uses numbers as structure to create form and symmetry in his music. For example, while ``14'' is Bach's own number, it is also often represented as ``7 x 2'', which represents completeness and duality.

  • Numerical ratios: Bach uses numerical ratios to express the harmony and beauty of music. For example, ratios such as "3:2", "4:3", and "5:4" are simple ratios discovered by the Pythagoreans and correspond to beautiful chords.

Tadashi Isoyama explains these mathematical elements in detail and deepens the musical appeal of the St. Matthew Passion.

By reading this book, you may find new discoveries and impressions about the relationship between music and mathematics. Although music and mathematics are different languages, they can also express the same thing. There is a saying that music is the mathematics of sensibility, and mathematics is the music of reason. Learning about the relationship between music and mathematics may expand your understanding and enjoyment of music.


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