









Guardian of the Shining Forest: The Miracle of the Frog and the Child

Once upon a time, deep in a faraway forest, there was a frog that emitted a mysterious light. This frog, unlike any other living creature, was able to project a dreamlike glow onto the surface of the lake. The creatures of the forest called this frog the "Messenger of Light" and were captivated by the light he emitted.

However, this frog had a secret. He cannot control his own light, and whenever his emotions fluctuate, the light naturally overflows. One day, a lonely child wandering in the forest was guided by the light of a frog and learned of its existence. The child was fascinated by the frog's beauty and wished to take him to his home, but the frog could not leave the forest.

The child visited Frog every day, and the two soon became close friends. The frog asked the child to teach him how to control his own light. The child taught the frog breathing techniques and meditation to calm the mind, and eventually the frog was able to control its own light.

Then, one stormy night, the forest was filled with terror. But the frog used his own light to light the way in the darkness and guide the forest creatures to safety. After the storm passed, the creatures thanked the frog for its courage and beautiful light, and the frog was hailed as the guardian of the forest.

As the bond between the frog and the child deepened, people outside the forest also came to know about the frog's existence. People were amazed at the frog's special powers and held festivals in his honor. On the day of the festival, the frog came out of the forest and flashed a beautiful light in front of the people. The light warmed people's hearts and brought hope and joy.

However, the light reached a faraway land and caught the attention of an evil wizard. The wizard plotted to capture the frog's light in order to make it his own. However, with the help of the child and the forest creatures, the frog defeats the wizard's plan.

After the wizard left, the people praised the frog's courage and created a beautiful garden at the entrance to the forest to protect him. The garden was planted with flowers and plants that the frogs like, and the frogs were able to live there in peace.

And the frog was able to live a peaceful and happy life together with the creatures of the forest. People and creatures forever cherished the hope and joy that the frog's light brought.









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