







Morning tune: The clown's hidden mental landscape

One day, the clown woke up early in the morning. He stared at his mirror image, white makeup applied to his face, a large red nose, and a wide smile painted on his mouth. His eyes were lined with large black eyeliner to hide his sadness.

He started walking towards the center of town. At his feet, Ravel's ``Morning Song of the Clown'' was playing. The melody echoed in his mind, giving rhythm to his steps.

The clown arrived at the square and waited for the people to gather. His performance was meant to make people smile and light their hearts. But in his own mind, the music reflected his loneliness and sadness.

When his performance ended, he threw his little hat on the ground and waited for donations from the audience. "The Clown's Morning Song" continued to play quietly in his mind. It was the soundtrack of his life, expressing both his joys and sorrows.

At night, the clown returned to his little room and removed his makeup. The smile disappeared from his face and a true face appeared. However, in his heart, "The Clown's Morning Song" was still playing. It was his only friend, alleviating his loneliness and giving him strength.

And when a new day began, the clown stood in front of his mirror again, applied makeup to his face, put on a big red nose, and drew a wide smile on his lips. And then "The Clown's Morning Song" began to sound in his mind again. It was the soundtrack of his life, marking the start of a new day.




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