












  1.   フンメルノート

    1. 2009年10月05日 19:57

    2. 初のコメントです。



  2.  和田大貴

    1. 2009年10月05日 22:33

    2. フンメルノートさん、コメントありがとうございます。

  3.  小島晶二

    1. 2023年06月22日 07:57

    2. 故吉田秀和氏はモーツァルトよりむしろハイドンの方が上質で面白い指揮者の代表としてバーンスタインとアバドを挙げていました。私としてはそうした面も有るかも知れないと思っています。以前紹介されたアバド&ヨーロッパ室内管やバーンスタイン&ウィーンフィルのハイドンは傑出した秀演だと感じます。しかし,バーンスタインの場合,快活な若々しさに富んだNYフィルとの旧盤の方が更に魅力的と感じる演奏が多々有ります。私は旧盤のパリセット,そして95,104番が特に優れていると思います。多分に私の楽曲に対する思い入れが強いせいでしょう。

  4.   和田大貴

    1. 2023年06月22日 08:20

    2. バーンスタインの表現も溌剌として、自然な歌にみちあふれていて、ハイドンの最もハイドンらしい面を聴かせてくれます。精密さを求めるより、楽しさに重点を置くバーンスタインですが、ウィーン・フィルとの再録音では、ニューヨーク・フィル時代には成し得なかったオーケストラとの阿吽(あうん)の呼吸を実現し、メヌエット楽章のスフォルツァンドや強弱の対照を面白く聴かせてくれます。これこそパパ・ハイドンの真骨頂です。いかにもユーモリストのバーンスタインらしい、明るく健康的なウィットに富んだ演奏で、新鮮な味わいをもった清々しい表現です。"パパ・ハイドン"と呼ばれた和やかなハイドンの音楽が、そのままバーンスタインの人柄に乗り移ったように聴こえてきて、気持ちがいいのです。「V字」「オックスフォード」では底抜けの明るさの中にも時としてかげりが生じ悲しみがよぎるのを彼は豊かな感情をこめて表現しています。

Joseph Haydn

Bernstein's Haydn discovers a new charm of classicism!

We would like to introduce a masterpiece collection of Haydn's symphonies, masses, and oratorios by the New York Philharmonic conducted by Bernstein. This set fully conveys the charm of Bernstein's interpretation of Haydn, full of symphonic richness and liberating pleasure. Bernstein's Haydn focuses on maximizing the humor and humanity of his works, rather than pursuing classical beauty or elaborate ensembles. The result is a performance that gives fresh surprises and excitement to the listener.

For example, in Symphony No. 101, "The Clock," you can hear a tense performance that maintains balance at the very edge of the work. While the Karajan version is made to be heard by the power of the orchestra, the Bernstein version is appealing because of the enthusiasm that permeates throughout. Bernstein's energetic style of jumping up and down on the podium is evident in pieces like this, as well as in his intense songs. Open and free expression can be said to be Bernstein's specialty.

Similarly, his Symphony No. 94 ``Surprise'' is a bright, healthy and witty performance with a large ensemble. You can hear the gentle music of Haydn, who was nicknamed ``Papa Haydn'', directly transferred to Bernstein's personality. Not only the famous strong performance in the second movement, but also the other movements are performances that touch on Haydn's essence.

In Symphony No. 88, "V", the lively innocence of a child and the warm and attentive dialogue of a loving father come to life. The sense of humor in the third movement shows a variety of expressions, and its subtlety and richness are unparalleled. The final movement is full of the tireless energy of a child playing around. It is a performance filled with a sense of affinity towards humans.

Symphony No. 102 unfolds a magnificent world similar to the oratorio "The Creation." Breathe in the fresh air, feel spacious, and feel the joy of living in this world.

In Mass No. 9, ``Nelson Mass,'' Haydn's lyricism etched into Bernstein's sharp rhythm is both modern and classical. The completed classicist form also serves as a pleasure to reveal this characteristic.

In Mass No. 14, ``Harmony Mass,'' Bernstein's Haydn, who does not fit neatly into classical symmetry but possesses power and action, therefore brings to the fore a humanistic appeal to modern existential anxieties. The composer's ``health'' provides certain ``salvation'' to the people of today who are affected by illness.

The oratorio ``The Creation'' is full of true human praise. It's extremely moving, and the orchestra and chorus are overwhelmed by this heat and show a wonderful sense of power. Among the soloists, soprano Judith Blegen is outstanding, with both technique and musicality at a high level. Bernstein's classics seem to be generally overlooked, but his Haydn and Mozart works are well-structured and truly admirable. I hope you will reconsider this.

This set is a great opportunity to learn about Bernstein's Haydn. Please listen!


1.Hummel Note
October 5, 2009 19:57
This is my first comment. The first Haydn I ever bought was an LP by Bernstein/New York Philharmonic that featured the combination of "Clock" and "Drums". I asked the staff at the store to listen to it over and over again (at the time it wasn't a CD, so it might have been a big nuisance), and after listening to and comparing it with Mulliner, Boehm, Karajan, etc., I decided to buy Bernstein's version. I think it was the first year of junior high school?

2.Daiki Wada
October 5, 2002 2:33
Mr.Hummelnote, thank you for your comment. Bernstein is a musician who enlightens his listeners, and I'm sure you were fascinated by him as well. We look forward to your further comments.

3.Shoji Kojima
June 22, 2023 07:57
The late Mr. Hidekazu Yoshida cited Bernstein and Abbado as representatives of conductors whose conductors were of higher quality and more interesting, with Haydn rather than Mozart. Personally, I think there may be some aspects to that. I feel that the Abbado & Europa Chamber Orchestra and Bernstein & Vienna Philharmonic Haydn, which were introduced previously, are outstanding performances. However, in the case of Bernstein, there are many performances that I feel are even more appealing in the older versions with the NY Philharmonic, which are full of lively youthfulness. I think the old Paris set, and numbers 95 and 104 are particularly good. It's probably because I have a strong attachment to music.

​ 4.Daiki Wada
June 22, 2023 08:20
Bernstein's expression is lively and full of natural singing, allowing us to hear the most Haydn-like side of Haydn. Bernstein places emphasis on enjoyment rather than precision, but in his re-recordings with the Vienna Philharmonic, he was able to achieve a sense of harmony with the orchestra that he had not been able to achieve during his time with the New York Philharmonic. The sforzando and the contrast of dynamics in the minuet movement are interesting to listen to. This is the true essence of Papa Haydn. It's a bright, healthy and witty performance typical of the humorist Bernstein, and it's a refreshing expression with a fresh flavor. The peaceful music of Haydn, who was nicknamed "Papa Haydn," seems to have been transferred directly to Bernstein's personality, and it feels great. In ``V Letter'' and ``Oxford,'' he expresses with rich emotion how even within the depths of brightness there are occasional shadows and sadness.


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