
強烈な個性、詰まりになっていたバッハの音楽に新しい生命を吹き込んで、その後の演奏家に幅広い解釈の扉を開いた グレン・グールド


グールドの経歴は、以下のように要約できる 。

  • 3歳から母親からピアノの手ほどきを受ける

  • 7歳でトロントの王立音楽院に入学し、アルベルト・ゲレロに師事する

  • 14歳でピアニストとして国内デビューし、16歳で王立音楽院を卒業する

  • 23歳で米国デビューし、CBSと終身録音契約を結ぶ

  • デビュー盤としてバッハの「ゴルトベルク変奏曲」を録音し、大ヒットする

  • 25歳でソ連や欧州への演奏旅行に赴き、高い評価を得る

  • 32歳で演奏会から引退し、以後は録音や放送媒体に専念する

  • 50歳で脳卒中により死去する












Glenn Gould, with his strong personality, breathed new life into Bach's music, which had become stuck, and opened the door to a wide range of interpretations for subsequent performers

Glenn Gould was a Canadian pianist born in 1932 and died in 1982. He was particularly good at Bach's works, and gained worldwide fame for his unique interpretations and performance methods.

His Gould career can be summarized as follows.

・He received piano lessons from his mother from the age of three.
・At the age of seven, he entered the Royal Academy of Music in Toronto, where he studied with Alberto Guerrero.
・He made his national debut as a pianist at the age of 14 and graduated from the Royal Academy of Music at the age of 16.
・He made his US debut at age 23 and signed a lifetime recording contract with CBS.
・He recorded Bach's "Goldberg Variations" as his debut album, which became a big hit.
・At the age of 25, he went on a performance tour to the Soviet Union and Europe and received high praise.
・He retired from concerts at the age of 32 and has since focused on recording and broadcast media.
・He died of a stroke at the age of 50.

Gould had a repertoire that was different from that of typical classical pianists. He was devoted to polyphonic music centered around Bach, and his works perfectly matched his inner self, expressing them with his original interpretation and outstanding technique.

His Bach was free to develop without being bound by traditional performance styles or common sense, and had a diverse appeal. This was the result of his talent and hard work, but at the same time it possessed such a high level of artistry that it could be called a blessing from God.

Even if the pianists who came after him tried to match his playing, they would never be able to catch up. This is because his performance exists on a different level from that of others.

Gould's Bach draws his listeners into the world of music and stirs their emotions and thoughts. This is not a Bach that you are familiar with, but a Bach that offers new discoveries. His keyboard doesn't just play music, it speaks to you vividly.

His world of Bach is isolated. I don't need beautiful scenery or delicious food. There is only pure music, like a framed painting.

It may not be related to everyday life, but for those who are fascinated by his performances, the scenery in this painting feels more beautiful and endearing than reality.

Every time I listen to it, I feel a fresh sense of emotion and satisfaction, and sometimes I cry. His playing is flawless and full of humanity.

What's even more surprising is that his performances are full of movement and beauty, and show a different expression each time you listen to them.

Playing Bach on the piano may become more and more rare in the future, but Gould's Bach is forever new and never fades.

Gould's performances have universal value, transcending the boundaries of interpretation and performance methods. It is a masterpiece of the highest caliber that I can only be grateful for.

Glenn Gould



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