
Grand Canyon with Tamron model A058 35-150mmF/2-2.8 Di Ⅲ VXD         


Model A058 35-150mm F/2-2.8 Di III VXD NIKON Zマウント

このレンズの第一印象は、撮影時の構えやすさであった。カメラに装着してファインダーを覗くと全く違和感なく自然に撮影姿勢をとれます。バランスが良いのでしょう。確かに質量的に重いレンズです。ニコン用で約1,190gです。今回使用したカメラがNIKON Z8。カメラ本体の質量が約910g。カメラにレンズを装着した状態でちょうど2.1Kg。確かに旅レンズとして使うにはは少々重いかもしれません。ただこのレンズを使って撮影するときめきの方が心と体には心地よい。
My first impression of this lens was its ease of positioning when shooting. When attached to the camera and looking through the viewfinder, the photographer can assume a natural shooting posture with no sense of discomfort at all. It must be well balanced. It is indeed a heavy lens in terms of mass. It is about 1,190g for Nikon. The NIKON Z8 camera used this time weighs approximately 910 g. With the lens attached to the camera, it weighs just 2.1 kg, which is certainly a bit heavy for a travel lens. However, the thrill of shooting with this lens is more pleasant to the body and mind.

焦点距離35mm F/8 1/250秒 ISO125 exp-0.7
TAMRON A058 35-150mm F/2-2.8 Di III VXD
焦点距離35mm F/8 1/250秒 ISO125 exp-0.7
TAMRON A058 35-150mm F/2-2.8 Di III VXD
焦点距離35mm F/9 1/320秒 ISO125 exp-0.7
TAMRON A058 35-150mm F/2-2.8 Di III VXD

The grandeur of the Grand Canyon was truly beyond imagination. According to some people's research, its scale is the equivalent of 104,936 Tokyo Domes. This is an extraordinary image. However, this is just a story on a plane, and when it comes to volume, it is a different dimension, but the sense of scale is so great that it seems pointless to even imagine it.

焦点距離35mm F/8 1/250秒 ISO125 exp-0.7
TAMRON A058 35-150mm F/2-2.8 Di III VXD
