
第53話「解放されし魂 マレフィーの涙」シーズン3〜オズ物語〜





Episode 53 "The Freed Soul: Malefie's Tears" Season 3—The Oz Story—

So, the witch was just chilling and happened to look down at her feet, right? And boom, there was Gol, the demon cat. The moment she picks up Gol gently in her hands and their eyes meet, it's like a dam breaks inside her. All these pure feelings she's had locked up deep inside for hundreds of years just start spilling out, and she begins to quietly cry, tears rolling down her cheeks. Her body shakes with sobs, like it's telling stories of centuries of loneliness and pain.

In the middle of this mess, something suddenly pops out of her mouth - like she literally spits it out. It's a piece of a poisoned apple that rolled onto the floor, the same one the old witch made her eat hundreds of years ago. This piece was the source of the nightmares that tormented her for so long.

The moment that poisoned apple piece leaves her body, the witch undergoes this dramatic transformation. The creepy glow she was giving off disappears, and there she is, Malefie, back to her innocent, younger self again. She slowly collapses onto the floor and falls into a deep sleep, like she's finally been freed from years of suffering.

For Tiger and the girls, this whole thing was an unexpected miracle. After a long battle, the source of her fear is gone, and her true self is revealed.




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