
Can Stress Lead to Preterm Labour?

While many risk factors can affect your labour patterns, studies suggest that stress increases the risk of you going into labour well before 37 weeks of pregnancy.

You see, when you’re stressed, your body automatically releases cortisol, a hormone that can cause hypertension, diabetes, and in extreme cases, may even lead to a miscarriage. Don't panic. Miscarriage happens only in some cases where mommy is experiencing chronic stress.

Start by identifying whether your stress is acute or chronic

Acute stress is temporary in nature and occurs when your work pressure increases or you have a lover’s spat. It usually doesn’t affect labour. Chronic stress, which stems from larger problems like a loved one's demise, an ongoing financial crisis or legal dispute, is something you need to manage with professional help.

How do you stay calm and carry on?

Eat and sleep on time: Simply going to bed on time and following a healthy nutritious diet can do wonders for you.

Try meditating: Take your mind off things by closing your eyes and breathing in rhythmic patterns, preferably in quiet and calm environs. Consult your doctor about practising yoga.

Enjoy a relaxing getaway: Get away from the city and enjoy the sights and sounds of nature. A whiff of pure, countryside air or the soothing sounds of the ocean can be a great stress reliever.

Express yourself in your ‘Dear Diary’: When you really feel like venting without being judged, write to yourself. It can take a load off your chest.

Enjoy a bubble bath with Epsom salts: Pamper yourself and enjoy a leisurely warm water bath with Epsom salts. The minerals will alleviate aches and pains and help you relax.

Laughter is the best medicine: It’s true! A good laugh will release endorphins that reduce stress levels drastically.

Plan for the future: Ensuring finances are in place for your doctor visits and hospital admission well in time will help you avoid last-minute hiccups.

Surround yourself with loved ones: Enjoy the company of relatives and friends who take your mind of the daily troubles of life.

Of course, if you have any hobbies, like reading, swimming or playing music, go for it. Stay blessed, not stressed.

Author Bio: Prapti Chauhan is a freelance content writer by her profession and has over 6 years of experience into blogging and article writing. Over the years, she has gained popularity as a content creator who specialises on topics such as parenting, pregnancy and new-born childcare. However, her forte is on writing articles on umbilical cord preservation, baby cord blood banking, stem cell therapy and research.

Image source: parenting.firstcry.com
