
Mystical Island Okinawa Sacred Site Guide

Okinawa, with its unique culture and natural environment within Japan, is known as the mystical island, the island of gods. Particularly in the southern part of the main island, there is a high concentration of sacred sites known as "utaki," making it the area with the most sacred sites in Japan. Additionally, there is Kudaka Island, often referred to as the island of gods, where traditional rituals are still performed.

Would you like to tour these sacred sites and receive messages from the gods and unseen beings? The Premium Retreat is a special retreat where you will be attended to individually, not as part of a group (though you can also book for multiple people).

Coo, whose psychic abilities were awakened in this land, and Kotone, a healer who teaches the unique sacred site healing in the world, will guide you to the many sacred sites of Okinawa.


  • "Since participating in the retreat, I've been able to see dragons!"

  • "I couldn't stop crying at the sacred site, but I was told that I had lived there in a past life. It was an emotional experience."

  • "On the first day of participation, I was able to perform readings and healings!"

  • "I was deeply healed by the gentle energy of Okinawa and the soft vibrations of Koo-san and Kotolin."

  • "I was very grateful for the specific and detailed readings I received."

  • "Dancing with Kotolin while feeling Koo-san's singing voice in nature was an extraordinary experience."

  • "I was taken to many wonderful shops, and everything was delicious!"

  • "I'm a singer and received great advice. I want to sing in Okinawa again!"

  • "I had a problem that got resolved just before the retreat. I was told that signing up for the retreat set things in motion, which amazed me."

  • "I used to be very self-critical, but Koo-san, Kotone-san, and everyone at the retreat affirmed me, saying it's okay as I am. This radically changed my outlook on life, and I'm truly grateful. Thank you."

  • "As soon as I arrived at the sacred beach of Hamayahara Tsukasa, I received many messages and felt that it is a portal to the universe."

These are testimonials from participants in our retreats and sacred site tours. Individual experiences may vary.

Kotone's natural harmonic dance that connects with higher dimensional energy

Okinawa Premium Retreat

Experience a Premium and Special Retreat Exclusively for You✨✨

For one person:

  • 2 nights, 3 days: ¥180,000 - Recommended

  • 1 night, 2 days: ¥120,000

  • 3 nights, 4 days: ¥240,000

One-day retreats are also available.

For two people (couples, parents and children, friends):

  • 2 nights, 3 days: ¥270,000 - Recommended

  • 1 night, 2 days: ¥180,000

  • 3 nights, 4 days: ¥360,000

Accommodation, meals, and transportation to Okinawa are not included.

For visiting both Kudaka Island and Hamahiga Island, a minimum of 2 nights, 3 days is recommended.

Koo and Kotolin will provide a special retreat tailored to your desires. Each day is up to 8 hours.

Choose from the following options as you like:

  • 🌺 Guided tours to sacred sites such as Tamagusuku (multiple locations) - including special places not previously visited due to time constraints.

  • 🌺 Reading sessions (answers to questions at any time).

  • 🌺 Messages from Amamikiyo and ancestors.

  • 🌺 Clearing & healing sessions.

  • 🌺 Trauma removal work.

  • 🌺 Music and dance performed exclusively for you (also serves as clearing & healing).

  • 🌺 Photo sessions at sacred sites, video recording sessions.

  • 🌺 Reading practice.

  • 🌺 Trauma removal work workshops - one free session during the retreat, additional sessions (30 minutes each x2) post-retreat are ¥20,000.

  • 🌺 Spiritual business start-up workshops.

  • 🌺 Business/work consultations.

  • 🌺 Consultations for SNS, blogs, websites, YouTube, etc.

  • 🌺 Guided tours not only within Nanjo City but also to Yambaru (Motobu, Nakijin, Kouri Island, secret beaches, etc.), Hamahiga Island, and Senagajima Island (no additional fees or transportation costs).

  • 🌺 Guided tours to Kudaka Island (additional fee: ¥10,000).

  • 🌺 Visits to your desired cafes and restaurants, or our recommended cafes and restaurants (meal costs are individual).

Each day is up to 8 hours.

Dates will be adjusted according to your preferred schedule.

Feel free to ask, "What would you recommend for me?" You can decide after discussing your options.

We look forward to guiding you on a special retreat!

A dragon heading to Kudaka Island (not an AI image)

The sacred beach ”Yaharazukasa”
The greatest blessing: countless Idea leuconoe (tree nymph butterflies) at a sacred site on Kudaka Island.

About Coo

Creator of Future-making Consciousness Integration Work, Spiritual Counselor
Born in Utsunomiya, Tochigi Prefecture / Currently residing in Tamagusuku, Nanjo City, Okinawa

Career Highlights
Ran a Fair Trade shop (1999-2003)
Chosen as one of Japan's Top 100 Entrepreneurs in 2003 alongside figures like Masayoshi Son, Tatsuya Egawa, and Shin Fujita.
(Heroes of Japanese Entrepreneurship: A Step Towards Courage and Independence - Dream Gate Project)

Transitioned from a local government employee to managing a Fair Trade goods store, to being a radio personality, and engaging in jobs like songwriting before moving to Okinawa in 2013.

Since 2018, has been supporting adults in awakening, ascending dimensions, and living as their true selves through Consciousness Integration Work, Okinawa retreats, and Zoom courses.

Published the parenting book "Can't Wait for the Future! Parenting that Makes Children Excited for Their Lives" in August 2023.

Mission is to create a society where children can live as their authentic selves and expand a world of love and harmony.

Coo's Links
Website: https://lit.link/coojoylife

:  https://www.instagram.com/coo.joy.life/

Contact & Inquiries: Official LINE account - https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40snw8878x

About Kotone

Founder of Sacred Power, Trinity Healing of Mind, Body, and Soul
Kotone teaches "Healing of Mind, Body, and Soul" courses imparting healing energies from sacred places like Mt. Hood, Kudaka Island, and Hamahiga Island's Milk Gate. These courses are continuously offered 🌸(´꒳`) Connect with higher-dimensional energies and dance with them 💜🦋

Kotone's Links
Website: https://lit.link/kotorinn
