

英作文 Chapter 2 LECTURE 20

『 最難関大への英作文ハイパートレーニング 』の45題目。


①Humans have the amazing ability to get a sense of other people’s feelings.
②We communicate with each other by reading other people’s feelings from subtle facial expressions, gestures, voice tones whatsoever.
③However, what is most surprising about the human brain is its social ability to sense other people’s feelings and to even care about their happiness. 
④Brain studies causes you to realize that it has evolved to achieve coexistence.

①Humans are endowed with the phenomenal capacities to perceive others’ emotions.
②Communication between people is made possible by interpreting other people’s emotions via subtle facial expressions, minor gestures, tones of voices and other clues. 
③However, what is genuinely surprising about the human brain is that it has the social ability to identify what other people are feeling and to even hope for their happiness. 
④You can never study the brain without becoming aware of the fact that its evolution has been geared towards coexistence.

①Humans originally have the incredible capability to recognize other people’s sentiments.
②We are able to communicate by reading the emotions of others through subtle expressions on their faces, minor gestures, the tone of the voices and many more.
③What is truly marvelous, however, is its social skills to emphasize with others and to even wish them happiness.
④Brain research will surely make you realize how the brain has evolved in order for us to be able to coexist with others.

「感じ取る」、「読み取る」、「すごい」、「他人の幸せを考える」あたりがチャレンジングだと考えられる。脳、特に The Social Brainはしばしば TOEFL や IELTS、PTEアカデミックなどで扱われるテーマ。なので、勝手な印象だが、東大、京大、阪大、神戸大、難関私立などでも普通に出題されるものと思う。


①Humans have the innate ability to intuit other people’s feelings.
②We communicate with people by intuiting their feelings from their subtle expressions, gestures and their voice tones.
③However, what is really surprising about the human brain is that it has social abilities such as the ability to emphasize and to think even about other people’s happiness. 
④Brain studies have shown that it has evolved so that humans can coexist with each other.


have the innate ability は上手い訳である。うーむ、なんで innate を自分でも思いつかんかったかなあ。アホな俺・・・

P92で、「読む=read」というのはいただけない、と大矢先生は書いておられるが、これは賛同しかねる。lip-reading =読唇術、mind-reading =読唇術、palm reading =手相見など、read は文字を読むだけではなく、それこそ相手の心まで読む時にも使う表現だ。CJも1-②で read を使った。その他の訳例でも、interpret など、読むに近い語を当てている。

大矢先生の③の to think even about other people’s happiness は文法的には全く問題ない。けれども、これは想像力の話であって、社交能力や思いやりとは少し違う。『We wish a merry Christmas』という

We wish you a merry Christmas 
We wish you a merry Christmas 
We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year

のサビでお馴染みの歌は全国に数十万人いる受験生のほぼ全員が知っているはず。ここから wish them(=other people) happiness を思いつけるかどうか。

大矢先生の④の coexist with each other は文法的には合っているが、文脈的には間違っている。ludwig.guruで調べたが、coexist with each other は二項対立関係にあるようなXとYが共存するとき、あるいは多様なA、B、C、・・・・Zが相互に共存するときの表現。今回の下線の文章および下線の引かれていない文章から、対立している、あるいは多種多様な人間の存在は読み取れない。素直に coexist with others とすべきだろう。④についてもう一つ付け加えるなら、文の流れから the human brain has evolved は it has evolved で事足りるということか。この方がはるかに簡潔かつ自然に見える。
