
Fallout4 レジェンダリースペシャリスト

Legendary Crafting Framework

[FO4] Equipment and Crafting Overhaul (ECO) is now available on Playstation

How about LCO
I'm currently using another legendary crafting mod [Legendary Modification, VIS-G Legendary Modification, Legendary Crafting Framework, etc.]. Is this compatible?

As stated in the Compatibility article it isn't. Use one or another, not both. And if you're currently mid-playthrough you shouldn't uninstall one of these mods to use Crafting Framework instead unless you know what you're doing and what could go wrong. Here's an explanation/guide in case you want to switch mods.

Is it compatible with X?
Refer to the Compatibility article.

Additional mod slots won't appear or they suddenly disappeared and I can't reapply them. What happened and how to fix it?
If this applies to all your items while you've applied a vanilla legendary effect it could be related to a mod conflict. Those can usually be fixed by moving CF further down in your load order. If it's specific to only a few items you're most likely encountering a vanilla engine quirk. Don't worry it's just a visual bug. When having multiple weapons or armour of the same type in your inventory the engine can't differentiate between them anymore and removes all dynamically attached mod slots (visual only). Simply equip the item you want to modify before going to the workbench and then all options should be available again.

There's a bug!? Please fix!?
Make sure it isn't a conflict with another mod on your end by either using FO4Edit's "Filter for conflicts" feature or move CraftingFramework.esp to the bottom of your load order. If that doesn't resolve your issue try to start a new game with only Crafting Framework active. That way you can rule out any sort of mod conflict, even those that can't be resolved by changing load order or xEdit's conflict filter. If you then still experience this issue go to the posts section and describe it as detailed as possible. The more information I have the better. If you've done all the previous steps, don't post your load order, it doesn't matter! If your post contains it anyway I'll remove the post. Instead describe what lead to that bug.

MCM reports a missing plugin and there are no new additions to workbench crafting menu. What's wrong?
Bethesda updated both the game engine and the Creation Kit. Plugins created or changed after that update use a new format (header) that renders them incompatible with older game versions. v5 and more recent ones of Crafting Framework were made with the updated engine. If you use one of those versions with an older version of the game this is probably the cause for your issue.
There are workarounds for this like the Fallout 4 Version Check Patcher but I'm not sure if it works in this case. If not, you could either update your game (if it isn't already) or try to use an older version of Crafting Framework.

Will you add feature X, Y or Z?
No, this mod is meant to be a framework and I consider it feature-complete by now. It already has a lot of features and I don't want it to become bloated with stuff only a few people would use. If you think it is missing something important to you feel free to create an expansion and publish it so other users could enjoy your work as well.


Where do you get Legendary Microchips from?
Read the description page of this mod. Everything is explained in detail in the "In Detail" section.

Why am I unable to scrap legendary items? /
Why's the L1 prefix missing on some legendary effects? /
Why are there no loose mod returns when I detach a legendary effect?

That's most likely a mod conflict. Try to load Crafting Framework dead last (at the bottom) in your load order. If that fixes the problem you have to do some trial and error to determine the mod/plugin causing it. Or you could use xEdit (Filter for Conflicts) to do that automatically for you. The Compatibility article on this page could give you an idea what's the causing factor.

I don't get Legendary Microchips from scrapping legendary items. Why's that?

  • The first possible cause for this could be Crafting Framework's Extreme Edition. Component returns when scrapping items are controlled by the crafting recipes. If there's no component cost associated with a recipe - Extreme Edition removes them as you might have guessed already - then you can't get any returns when scrapping. This is working as intended. Why would you need microchips when everything is free already anyway?

  • Or you're running another mod that adds recipes for the vanilla legendary effects. Most other forms/records in a mod report back a conflict when two plugins modify the same record. The last one loaded wins. That's why load order management is important in a lot of cases. When it comes to crafting recipes (Constructible Object or COBJ records internally) this isn't necessarily the case. Two or more recipes for the same item or effect can coexist since they are considered separate entities with separate IDs. All they do is referencing the same item (record/form). So the engine won't register a conflict and allows both instances, but usually when in doubt, the first recipe loaded wins, contrary to direct conflicts where it's the last one loaded. You get the recipes (including crafting cost/requirements and scrapping returns) from the first mod loaded and effects from the last mod loaded. Here's a guide that explains how to resolve this issue in a few simple steps.

How do I enable legendary mods and CF's functionality on equipment that is missing a legendary slot?
I wrote a detailed guide for you.

Why is the Freefall legendary effect missing? Other legendary crafting mods did include it.
I didn't include Freefall as a craftable option because it's identical to Acrobat's legendary effect, both reduce fall damage by 50% per piece.
Just the name and description are different. I enabled CF's additional crafting slots on Freefall, though, in case you're using equipment pieces that use that effect by default.

Will you add more legendary slots in the future?
It's possible and fairly easy to do but quite time-consuming because every legendary effect form needs to be duplicated for every additional slot and then slightly altered. I'm not interested in doing that. However, if you know how to achieve that and want to spent the time in FO4Edit to make it available to other users feel free to do so and release it as an expansion to CF.

Would you make legendary enemies spawn with items that have two legendaries as well?
I have no interest in doing that. It would require to rework every single equipment piece in the game and also come with the necessity to create countless patches for other mods. Additionally, the legendary quest script would require a full rework with almost countless variations to make it feel natural. And ultimately if you want to use two legendaries per item the option is there and you can decide for yourself if you want to affect game balance that way. But I won't force changes to game balances upon every user of the mod.

How do I get the Legendary Specialist perks required for some recipes?
They are learned from four perk magazines. These magazines can be bought (hint: vendors in major social hubs) or found in specific locations (hint: overseen by individuals that may or may not be dead).
These are the exact locations:



Purchasable from Myrna/Percy (Diamond City) and Daisy (Goodneighbor).
Placed on the Overseer's desks in Vault 114 (Mag #1), Vault 81 (Mag #2), Vault 75 (Mag #3) and Vault 95 (Mag #4)


If that's too cumbersome you can cheat the perks in via holotape or MCM.

The 40% increased melee swing speed and Vampire (weapon) legendary effects from FO76 are missing. Will you add them?
No, I've spent hours trying to figure out how they work and wasn't able to do so. As for the melee effect my best guess is that it directly alters melee animations. That can't be done in FO4 without changing those animations as well. And for the Vampire effect there's probably a scripted interaction missing that can't be reproduced in FO4 without building a custom system specifically for that.
