




詳しい内容は、会員サイトにて今週のZOOM公演でFFG理論と重力情報理論を解説します。 どのような努力をすれば、ブラフマー化できるのか


金輪のうえ、鉄囲山(てっちせん)の内縁にたたえた海水に浮かぶ須弥山に向かって、東には半月形の毘提訶洲(びだいかしゅう、(あるいは勝身洲)[注釈 2]、南に三角形の贍部洲[注釈 3](南洲あるいは閻浮提)、西に満月形の牛貨洲(ごけしゅう)、北に方座形の倶盧洲(くるしゅう)[注釈 5]がある。南に位置する贍部洲(せんぶしゅう)は我々が住んでいる世界のインド亜大陸を示している。


須弥山中腹には日天と月天がまわっている。須弥山の高さは八万由旬[注釈 6]といわれ、中腹には、下から恒憍天、持鬘天、堅手天、そして四大王天がおり、ここを住みかとしながら四洲を守っている[8][9]。これらの住みかは四層状になっていて、山の中腹から四周にはみ出たヴェランダ構造になっているとされる[10]。四天王の眷属たちは、他の山々や、太陽や月に植民している。さらにその上の山頂の忉利(とうり)天には帝釈天と他三十二天が住むという。




In the context of fundamental forces in physics, the four fundamental forces that govern interactions between particles in the universe are:

  1. Gravity: This force is responsible for the attraction between masses. It is the force that keeps planets in orbit around stars, holds galaxies together, and determines the structure of the universe on larger scales.

  2. Electromagnetic Force: This force is responsible for interactions between charged particles, such as electrons and protons. It governs phenomena like electricity, magnetism, and light.

  3. Weak Nuclear Force: The weak force is responsible for certain types of nuclear interactions, such as beta decay, which is involved in the process of radioactivity and plays a crucial role in the evolution of stars.

  4. Strong Nuclear Force: This force is the strongest of the four and is responsible for holding protons and neutrons together in the atomic nucleus. It plays a vital role in the stability of matter and is essential for the formation of atomic nuclei.

The strength of a force depends on its coupling constant, which is a measure of how strongly particles interact through that force. The coupling constants for the four fundamental forces have different magnitudes, resulting in their varied strengths.
Gravity is significantly weaker than the other forces, and this has been a topic of interest and research in physics for many years. The strength of gravity is quantified by Newton's gravitational constant (G) in classical physics or the gravitational coupling constant in modern physics.
The reason gravity is much weaker than the other forces lies in the fundamental nature of each force and the associated particles or carriers that mediate them:

  1. Gravitational Force: Gravity is mediated by hypothetical particles called "gravitons" in quantum theories of gravity. However, gravitons have not been directly observed yet, and gravity remains the least understood of the four forces at the quantum level. One proposed explanation for its weakness is that gravity might operate in extra dimensions beyond the familiar three spatial dimensions and one time dimension. In such scenarios, gravity appears weaker because it spreads out into these extra dimensions.

  2. Electromagnetic Force: The electromagnetic force is mediated by photons, which are massless particles that move at the speed of light. Since photons have no rest mass, the electromagnetic force can act over long ranges, giving it the appearance of being relatively strong.

  3. Weak Nuclear Force: The weak force is mediated by massive particles called "W and Z bosons." These bosons have a significant rest mass, which limits their range and makes the weak force appear weaker than the electromagnetic force.

  4. Strong Nuclear Force: The strong force is mediated by particles called "gluons." Unlike the weak force, gluons are massless, which means they have a long range. Additionally, the strong force becomes stronger at shorter distances, resulting in a significant force at the scale of atomic nuclei.

In summary, the relative weakness of gravity compared to the other forces is attributed to the massless nature of the particles mediating the electromagnetic and strong forces, their longer range, and the unique nature of gravity at the quantum level, possibly involving extra dimensions. While gravity might seem weak on human scales, it becomes crucial on cosmological scales, governing the dynamics and evolution of the universe as a whole.

Let's break it down into two parts: first, a simple explanation of gravity, and then an easy-to-understand explanation of holography theory in the context of quantum information theory.

  1. Gravity: A Simple Explanation

Gravity is the force that attracts objects with mass towards each other. It's what keeps our feet on the ground and the planets in orbit around the sun. Sir Isaac Newton first described gravity in the late 17th century with his law of universal gravitation.
Think of gravity as if it's a "curvature" in the fabric of spacetime. Imagine a trampoline with a heavy ball placed in the center. The trampoline bends or curves under the weight of the ball. If you roll a smaller ball nearby, it will naturally move towards the heavier ball because of the curvature of the trampoline. This is similar to how gravity works; objects with mass create a curvature in spacetime, and other objects are influenced to move towards that curvature, resulting in the force we know as gravity.

  1. Holography Theory in Quantum Information Theory: An Easy-to-Understand Explanation

In quantum information theory, the concept of holography theory is related to how information is encoded and stored in a particular space.
Imagine you have a room with many objects, and you want to describe everything inside that room. Instead of writing down a long list of each item and its properties, you could just take a photograph of the room. That photograph would contain all the information about the objects' positions and properties in the room, even though it's just a 2D surface.
Holography theory in quantum information works in a somewhat similar way. It suggests that the information about a 3D space (like our room) can be entirely encoded on a 2D surface. It's like taking a 3D object and projecting its image onto a 2D surface, like a hologram. This idea might sound strange, but it has found applications in understanding gravity and the behavior of black holes.
Specifically, a famous example of holography theory is the AdS/CFT correspondence (Anti-de Sitter/Conformal Field Theory correspondence). This is a theoretical relationship between a certain gravitational theory (AdS) and a quantum field theory (CFT). According to this correspondence, a gravitational system in a space with curvature (AdS) is entirely equivalent to a quantum field theory living on the boundary of that space (CFT).
So, in holography theory, you can think of a 3D gravitational system being like a "hologram" of a 2D quantum field theory. This idea has provided valuable insights into the nature of black holes and the fundamental nature of gravity itself.
In summary, gravity is the force that attracts objects with mass, and it's caused by the curvature of spacetime. Holography theory in quantum information suggests that information about a 3D space can be encoded on a 2D surface, similar to how a hologram encodes a 3D object on a 2D surface. The AdS/CFT correspondence is a specific example of holography theory that relates a gravitational theory in a curved space (AdS) to a quantum field theory on the boundary of that space (CFT).
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