



ここで一つハプニングが。行く際にChatGPTで「小田急相模原駅近のおススメランチ店を教えて」と聞いたら、なんとなくよさげな肉バル店「ビストロ シンバ」を紹介されました。小田急相模原駅から徒歩5分。地元の食材が楽しめると。しかし何とこれが大嘘。実はこの店は小田急相模原ではなく、銀座にあることが判明。さすが息をはくように嘘をつくChatGPT!そこでまるさんGPTはアンテナを働かせました。あったあった、駅前に1985年開店のステーキ専門店「ひろ」の看板が。期待を胸に2Fに上がると、広くていい感じの店内に通されました。何と1,000円台で、ステーキ定食、ハンバーグ定食+ドリンク+デザートセットを食べられたました。席も広くとても落ち着いていて、何と言っても肉がうまい!相模大野で店を探すなら、ここでゆっくりランチはオススメです。こういう店、ChatGPTもGeminiも推薦してこなかったなあ。
さて当日は雨が降っていたので、ChatGPTで組んだ自転車で回るプランは使えず。ここでまるさんGPTが再び始動。何とあの「はやぶさ」で一躍脚光を浴びた「JAXA 宇宙科学研究所」がある。電話してみると普通にやっているとのこと。隣駅の相模大野駅に行き、そこからバスに乗った。約20分。バス旅もいいな。受付で入場料を払おうとしたら、「無料です」って。えええ!しかもJAXAのかっこいいクリアファイルまでもらった。「なんじゃそりゃ!」とうれしい誤算。


Hi, I'm Marusan, a local core story.
I am currently opening and closing a FB group called “Local is Wonderland Everywhere”. I am dedicated to putting together core local content. I wonder why?
Each and every one of the core local stories in each person's heart can only be understood by visiting, seeing, touching, and feeling. Because I have come to understand that. I think the reason why scenes of Kagawa and Utsunomiya still remain in my mind is because the experience of going there, seeing, touching, and feeling are imprinted on my five senses at that time, and they remain there forever. I believe this is something that only human beings can do.
So, I, Maru-san, will go on a small trip with my friends and make the contents of Jimoneta Maru-san (I will unify it with “Jimoneta Maru-san” from now on).
In fact, I have already done this several times. Senda Wonderland” in Senda, Koto-ku, the hometown of Take-chan, a classmate of mine at work. Benten Wonderland in Chiba City, where my GLOBIS classmate Oshisan lives. My hometown, Nerima, where I have a story to tell after stopping by Harry Potter's. I would like to introduce these in due course. Everyone, why don't you join Jimoneta Maru-san in touring the Jimoneta of your heart and together we can make them into attractive contents? We are looking forward to hearing from you.
Now, I would like to introduce “Odakyu Sagamihara Wonderland. The first company I joined was an NEC group company, and NEC was a very nice and homey company. I joined the tennis club, which I adored. The “Odakyu Sagamihara Wonderland” is a zimoneta that was born during a recent petit trip I took with my friend Kato-san, whom I met there.

Marusan took this opportunity to come up with the following rules for discovering gimoneta.

(OP1) Go to the person's hometown and visit his/her core material to find it.
(OP2) Visit my hometown (formerly Utsunomiya, now Nerima) and find core material.
(OP3) Meet at a place one station away from the midpoint between the person's hometown and my hometown, and tour together to find core topics.

Odakyu Sagamihara Wonderland,” where I made a short trip with Mr. Kato this time, is in OP3.
Sagami-Ono was the halfway point on the train between Mr. Kato's hometown, Numazu, and my hometown, Nerima. However, Sagami-Ono is “major” in the view of Jimoneta Maru-san. So we decided to meet at Odakyu Sagamihara, a station where the train stops at every station.
Here is a happening. On the way there, I asked on ChatGPT for a recommendation for a lunch place near Odakyu Sagamihara Station, and was introduced to a meat bar restaurant called “Bistro Simba” that looked kind of nice. It is a 5-minute walk from Odakyu Sagamihara Station. I was told I could enjoy local ingredients. But what a big lie! In fact, it turns out that this restaurant is not in Odakyu Sagamihara, but in Ginza. As one would expect from ChatGPT, who lies as if under his breath, Marusan GPT put his antennae to work. There it was, the sign for “Hiro,” a steak specialty restaurant that opened in 1985, in front of the station. With high hopes in our hearts, we went up to the second floor and were ushered into a nice, spacious restaurant. For only 1,000 yen, I was able to enjoy a steak set meal or hamburger steak set meal + drink + dessert set. The seats were spacious and very relaxing, and the meat was excellent! If you are looking for a restaurant in Sagamiono, I recommend a relaxing lunch here. I don't remember ChatGPT or Gemini recommending this kind of restaurant.
Well, it was raining on the day of the tour, so we couldn't use the bicycle tour plan we had made with ChatGPT. Marusan GPT started up again. There was the JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (JAXA ISAS), which had been in the limelight since the launch of HAYABUSA. When I called there, I was told that they were open as usual. I went to the next station, Sagamiono Station, and took a bus. It took about 20 minutes. Bus trips are nice. When I tried to pay the admission fee at the reception, they said, “It's free. What a surprise! And I even got a cool JAXA clear file. What's that? I was so happy.
For the first time, I learned that Japan is not only famous for Hayabusa's unmanned mission to the planet Itokawa, but also for being the first country in the world to successfully conduct a second unmanned satellite search. Hey, I'm learning a lot.
As you all know, Brian May, the guitarist of Queen, was on the air praising this (see attached video). Yes, Brian May would have been a cosmologist if Queen hadn't broken through. Then there was a video showing JAXA's accomplishments (see attached video), and I felt like I was back in elementary school again, so I was excited and thrilled to see the tour. This is definitely a core local story that I recommend to the world. (In fact, there were people who looked like they were from overseas.)
Due to the fact that it was raining this time, this was the end of our little trip to Odakyu Sagamihara Wonderland.
One thing I did harvest was that ChatGPT is competent but not mindful or caring. It's obvious. It's not love, it's AI (swell, one cushion).” That's why it's important to have a human being to bring love into it, and that's where the value of the human being lies, once again.
So, Zimoneta Maru's “Local is Wonderland Everywhere” continues...

#local stories
#local core stories
#Odakyu Sagamihara
