My Ron, thank you so much!No.8

No.8 Ron's taking a bath

Ron takes a bath with his father. His white, bushy fur is limp from a tubful of hot water. Ron's body instantly becomes one size smaller. Ron hates baths. While he is being shampooed, his tail stays down and he shivers a little. His father is trying his best to finish as quickly as possible.
When the last of the hot water is poured on us and all the bubbles are gone, Dad tells us in a loud voice, "Ron's leaving!" Most of the time, Non-chan heads for the bathroom with a bath towel. First she wipes off the wet hair with the towel and takes him into the large room, where Ron also blows himself dry. After that, we dry him with a hair dryer. Ron hates the sound of the hair dryer. But when his hair is dried to a certain extent, he feels good, running around, lying down, jumping up and down, and having a lot of fun. But actually, he has to do one more thing that he hates. That is brushing. Ron's hair is soft and fine, so it gets tangled easily. When he is brushed, the tangled hair gets caught in the brush, which seems to be really painful for him, and he cries. However, if the tangled hairs are not untangled for a long time, the situation becomes even worse. That is why NON-chan brushes hard.
Ron is sometimes taken to the hairdresser. However, he is not happy about it. He has to stay still, and he hates shampooing, brushing, and removing hairballs.
After an hour or two, Nong-chan goes to the salon to pick him up, and there appears a very nice looking dog that makes you wonder if this is Ron. His hair is trimmed and cut, and his legs are trimmed short. Her hair is pure white and glossy and hangs down from her body. The long hair is gathered on his forehead, and a red ribbon is attached to the base of the hair.
When she called "Ron," he looked at Non-chan through the glass and wagged his tail widely.
