Xi speaks with Zelenskyy for first time since war in Ukraine began | The Japan Times(practice)

viable 実行可能な
hourlong 一時間中・一時間持つさま lasting for an hour
symbolism of の象徴
skepticism  懐疑的 会議
deputy 副・代理
be at play to 効果を発揮している・having an effect of influence 
sovereignty 主権・the authority of a state to govern another state
stall out 失速する
take as a challenge to A?
take it instead as a challenge/
take on a challenge /挑戦する
play for more sway among a の中で影響力を持つために活動する
mediator 仲介者
in a move that S v ~がVする動きの中で
help broker a deal 取引の仲介を行う
unveil a vague blueprint for あいまいな計画の概要を公表する
curry favor with to try to get somebody to like or support you by praising or helping them a lot.
spark a furor 騒動を引き起こす
deliberation long and careful consideration or disccusion
the cold shoulder  a show of intentional unfriendness
favor closer favor 好む
anonymity 匿名
envoy 使節・
nonstarter / a person or plan that has no chance of succeeding or being  effective
warily 慎重に、用心深く
avail ・The company's new strategy did not avail them of the expected profits.
unprovoked invasion 強引な侵入
as much for what wasn’t said as what was. 「I appreciated her speech as much for what wasn't said as what was」
in impartial manner 公平な方法で
delegation 使節団
impetus 勢い・刺激・原動力
bilateral relations 二国間貿易
trilateral trade 三国間貿易
ceasefire 停戦
swaths of 「広い範囲」the park is covered in swaths of green grass.
counteroffensive・After suffering heavy losses, the military launched a counteroffensive against the enemy. 反撃
on the cusp of・この表現は、ある変化や出来事が起ころうとしている境目を表現する際に用いられます。"On the cusp of"の代わりに、"on the brink of"や"on the verge of"という表現も使われます。

and then the sides are miles apart for what the ultimate resolution might actually look like.”

Xi speaks with Zelenskyy for first time since war in Ukraine began | The Japan Times
