

I started listening to Queen recently. Probably it is because I was impressed by the artists in the bar on maybe last Friday and also Queen's songs have been stack in my mind.

Basically I can play my favorite songs while working at my part-time workplace. Today I had a part-time job so I played Queen and also The Beatles over and over again. So my coworker named Kavi looked like sick of these songs because I played the same songs over and over again.

I heard from a professor that Queen's songs were a little bid noisy. Also he said that I don't really like their songs because of being noisy. So I haven't have a good image of Queen actually but since I carefully listened to their songs and I found their songs which I've listened to before were Queen's songs, I easily became a fan of them! I really like their songs especially 'Don't stop me now', it's very classic, isn't it? 

By the way, one regular customer came today. He is usually drunk whenever he comes and then he drinks again in the curry restaurant without eating curry lol. But he is our favorite customer and really amusing person. Also, he usually gives a cup of beer to each of us, so really generous person, I think.  

So we talked a lot about airplane. I don't know why but we just talked about airplanes and airports. To my delight, he said that after all, this member was the best. So I became really happy to hear that and Kavi also became happy probably.
