coronation (practice)

meh  興味ないよ、無関心の、つまらない
take hold ものになる
coronation 戴冠式
thimble 指ぬき
stall ストール
keyrings キーホルダー
set-peace 定番の見せ場
to go ~まであと~
just a week to go until coronation
two weeks to go until my due date
investiture 任官式
this time round 今回は(同じこと)
throne 王座
take the shine off A
to make something seem less perfect or less good, to partly spoil something 
apparent  明白
glamour 魅力
heir 相続人
harsh かこく
stubbornly どこまでも
trinket 安価な宝石、着物
a small ornament or item of jewellery that is of little value.
hard-pressed / facing or experiencing financial trouble or difficulty
self-described 自称
republican 共和党
culminate with A で終わる・締めくくられる
chip in・話に口を出す 
join or interrupt a conversation by making a remark:
for or against 賛成か反対か
either for or against 賛成か反対のどちらか
Are you for or against it?
obsolete すたれた、朽ち果てた
round off 締めくくる
the public holiday that rounds off the weekend of celebrations.
to mark A → Aを記念して

ideological 思想的な
feuding 不和、抗争
feud  争い
brigade 組織
pithed battle 激戦
Meh for monarchy: U.K. coronation fever yet to take hold | The Japan Times
