About Cisco CCNA/CCNP/CCIE Certification Exam

Is CCIE certification exam held every two years? If I pass the exam for the first time, need I take the written exam only 2 years later? Or need I take both the written exam and the experimental exam again? Please tell me if you know something about that! Thank you very much!

Passing CCNA certification means that the candidate has basic and preliminary network knowledge. They are able to install, configure and operate LAN, Wan and dial-up access services for small networks, including but not limited to the following protocols: IP, IGRP, serial, frame relay, IP RIP, VLAN, RIP, Ethernet and access list.

You don't need to have any formal prerequisites to apply for CCNA certification. And you can bring your ID card to register directly.

Exam fee: Each exam costs 125 US dollars.

Exam time: At any time set by the candidates themselves.

Exam location: Candidates can register at Prometric or Vue exam center.

Textbook materials: Mainly Cisco Network Technology Institute and Certification Guide published by Cisco, and Learning Guide Series published by Sybex.

The validity period of CCNA certificate is 3 years.

Passing CCNP (Cisco Certified Network Professionals) certification means that the certified personnel have rich network knowledge. Holders of CCNP certificate can install, configure and run LAN, WAN and dial-up services for large enterprise networks with more than 100 to 500 nodes.

The prerequisite for applying for new CCNP exam is that candidates must first pass the CCNA certification.

CCNP certification exam has been changed many times since the launch of CCNP certification program in 1998. At present, there are two ways to get the latest CCNP certificate: one core exam like CCNP 350-401, plus another concentration exam.

CCIE means Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert. At the same time, it is also the most advanced certification of Cisco for technical capability. It is said by a report that the number of CCIE in the world is more than 10,000. And that in China is only 1,500 now, of course, including several hundred of CCIE in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao.

In addition to the three certifications other kinds of Cisco certification all have validity period and require the re-certification process after the expiration. The exam questions are all in English. Of course, the English requirements here are not pure grammar research, but some basic and common network vocabulary and related content. There is only one designated textbook, published by the People's Posts and Telecommunications Publishing House.

Candidates have a long way to go to pass Cisco certification. The hard process includes a lot of baldness and obstacles that ordinary people can't bear! But if you are really interested in and ambitious for this, I hope you can realize your goal.

In addition, it should be noted that a lot of experiments need to be done during the preparation period. Some equipment may not be available in ordinary places, so you need to contact some providers or solve the problem yourself. In a word, there are many difficulties and it's a bit like in Journey to the West. It depends on yourself to achieve the final success! SPOTO's Cisco certification training wishes you success!

The CCIE certification exam is not hold twice a year.

CCIE certification includes written exam and LAB.

You need to take the written exam first. Now you can only take the written exam in Prometric's exam room. And you can take part in the exam after you make an appointment in advance.

After passing the written exam, go to Cisco's website with the report card to get the seat of LAB. After passing LAB, you will really pass CCIE certification.
