シオン賢者の議定書(The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion)
2011, 2012 and 2013 Sermons of Satan Volume 1より翻訳
The Jewish power and bulwark are the Christian and Muslim religions. The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion are a blueprint for the Jews taking over the world. Anyone who disregards this is an idiot. Proof of what is written in the Protocols is very evident just by opening up a local phone book and seeing the endless listings of blatant Jewish names dominating certain professions such as Doctors, attorneys, college professors and such. There are pdf copies of the Protocols in most of the JoS e-groups files.
ユダヤ人の権力と防波堤は、キリスト教とイスラム教である。『シオン賢者の議定書』は、ユダヤ人が世界を征服するための青写真である。これを軽視する人はバカである。議定書に書かれていることを証明するには、地元の電話帳を開いて、医者、弁護士、大学教授などの特定の職業を支配している露骨なユダヤ人の名前が延々とリストアップされているのを見れば、一目瞭然です。議定書のPDFファイルは、ほとんどのJoS e-groupsのファイルにあります。
Now, many people do not know just how clever the Jews are. In addition to the original copies of the Protocols, there are recent versions of the Protocols that are being altered by Jews [mostly on the internet] designed to create confusion. The jews have done this with other documents and writings that expose them, as the jews fear these and try to claim they were all 'forgeries,' and if they can make them look like nonsense or use them to confuse Gentiles, they will.
These have interpolations designed to confuse the average person. Most often, these interpolations will make the jews appear to be very anti-Christian, working for the destruction of Christianity, and to make the Protocols or other writings as a whole appear to be anti-Christian. This is another hoax. One has to do the tons of in-depth research as I have done for years to see through this. This is no different from the endless stream of bullshit and yellow journalism interwoven with legitimate information and materials concerning aliens and UFOs; all designed to confuse the average person. Then of course, astronomy textbooks and other scholastic materials claim no evidence of intelligent life out there to add to all of this.
これらには、一般の人を混乱させるように設計された改ざんがあります。多くの場合、これらの改ざんは、ユダヤ人が非常に反キリスト教的で、キリスト教の破壊のために働いているように見せかけ、議定書やその他の著作全体が反キリスト教的であるように見せかけるためのものです。これもデマの一つです。私がこれを見抜くために何年にもわたって行ってきたように、人はたくさんの徹底的な研究をしなければなりません。これは、宇宙人やUFOに関する正当な情報や資料に、デタラメやイエロージャーナリズム(訳注:発行部数等を伸ばすために、事実報道よりも扇情的である事を売り物とする形態のジャーナリズムのこと)を織り交ぜて、一般人を混乱させようとするものが後を絶たないのと同じです。 すべて一般の人を混乱させるように設計されています。もちろん、天文学の教科書やその他の教材は、知的生命体が存在する証拠はないと主張していますが、それに加えて、このようなことが行われています。
The only time the Jews want Christianity completely destroyed is when it is totally replaced with its twin of communism. All spirituality removed.
The Jewish bulwark and power is Christianity. The Jews will do anything and everything they can to try to get Gentiles under the psychic control of Christianity, or spiritually harmless as an atheist, as with communism. Once one is a believing Christian, they have you. This is another reason they have endlessly pushed that Nazi Germany was Christian, which nothing could be further from the truth. Nazi Germany was Satanic and a serious threat, so they have created endless propaganda in the media and with books to try to convince the unknowing that they were Christian.
ユダヤ人の防波堤と権力はキリスト教です。ユダヤ人は、異邦人をキリスト教の精神的な支配下に置くか、共産主義のように無神論者として精神的に無害な存在にするために、できる限りのことをします 。一度信仰するクリスチャンになってしまえば、彼らに支配されてしまいます。これは、ナチスドイツがキリスト教徒であったと際限なく彼らが言い続けてきたもう1つの理由であり、それは真実からかけ離れています。ナチスドイツはサタニックで、深刻な脅威だったので、ユダヤ人はメディアや本で無限のプロパガンダを行い、彼らがキリスト教徒であることを無知な人々に信じ込ませようとしたのです。
I have seen this endlessly with their movies and media about the Nazis. Many people fall for this, as most do not do any research and only believe what they are told and shown. Once any Gentile organization falls under the psychic control of Christianity, they have signed their own death warrant. The Jews know this. The Jews will even go so far as duping Gentiles into thinking they are 'Satanic' in order to try to hook the confused back to Christianity. Then, of course, there is pseudo Satanism, which is Jewish controlled such as modern Freemasonry, the Illuminati, Skull & Bones and others. The average person who is confounded and deluded by the jewish use of psychological tactics falls into the trap of thinking if the jews are against Christianity, then Christianity must be ok. NOT SO. The Jews know this tactic and use it all of the time.
Remember...the Jews have not survived all of these centuries by being average. Some versions of the Protocols and other anti-jewish articles are altered by Jews, and if you know the Jewish agenda and their tactics, the altered versions are obvious. Anything and everything connected with Christianity is poison. The present state of society today is the result of Christianity. Civilization is collapsing. Don't be fooled into thinking the jews are enemies of Christianity, because they aren't. Christianity is their power; the great host upon which they feed. Every page in the 'holy bible' has either "Jew" "Jews" or "Israel" written on it. The 'holy bible' is a book praising and extolling the Jews from beginning to end. The Nazarene was a Jew, his apostles were Jews and he never strayed from or did anything contrary to Jewish law.
You have to know and be aware of their tactics and their traps; especially for people who are new and those vulnerable to confusion. True Satanism is their greatest enemy. This is why Satanism has been so viciously oppressed and condemned for centuries. When they can no longer oppress something, then they try to infiltrate to gain control from the inside, then destroy from within.
If one is stupid enough to believe Christianity is an enemy of the Jews, then look to the glut of vast wealth. The million dollar church complexes and xian bookstores, fine expensive glossed xian tracts and everything else. That right there shows they are good with the Jews. Anyone who is against the Jews and wants to expose the truth is hunted down, persecuted, slandered and every attempt is made to shut them up, and break them financially and worse.
Once you really know and can see through the Jewish agenda and their clever tactics, no amount of altered materials will fool you anymore.
Thankfully, we now have the internet -- www = '666'
ありがたいことに、私たちは今インターネットを持っています--www = '666'