エプスタインの友人から、あなたとすべての "ゴイム "へのメッセージ

翻訳元:Epstein's Friend Has a Message For You And All The "Goyim"

HPフーデッドコブラ666さんの投稿 2019年08月11日




ユダヤ人の "神聖な法 "であるタルムードには、小児性愛者であっても何も悪いことではないと書かれている。小児性愛を積極的に推進し、それを正常化しようとしているNAMBLAやその他の団体に目を向けるだけでよい。


これはタルムードの言い分に過ぎず、「3歳の子供と性交することは、目に指を入れるようなものだ。少し涙を流して、また治る」[Kethubot 11b.]と主張している。これは、この問題に関する数多くの引用の一つである。





彼はまた、ユダヤ人が「平和」を作り出すためにさらなる力が必要だとも付け加えた。ユダヤ人がやっていることは認めるが、つまり彼の平和とは、友人であるエプスタインと一緒に未成年者に性的暴行を加えることができる世界であり、ゴイムが彼らの行動に反発することはない。それは私たちにとって穢らわしいことであり、"サタン的 "なことだ。










From the whole reports on Epstein one name that is popping up was Alan Dershowitz, his lawyer. The jew looked familiar, and then I recalled he was in one of the documentaries that I had made.

What this case shows us is that these people are criminal, practice pedophilia for breakfast, and in particular, extremely proud of it all. Not long ago the Israeli military was giving legitimacy for rape of enemy women to children's books, and other interesting things. The rape of children among Hasidic jews is so normal and an everyday thing that it's not even reported to the police, it's dismissed as a joke.

They don't even consider it a legal matter, just a little...transgression. And that is the belief of the jews since the dawn of time, really. The problem is the Gentiles have a legal system, which of course the jews don't really recognize, as the Torah is their highest "law", so all the law is to them is just something to kike around.

The Talmud after all, the "Divine Law" of the jews, says that it's fine to be a pedophile as it's nothing bad really. One needs to look no further than NAMBLA and others who are actively promoting pedophilia, and try to normalize it.

Islam is promoting pedophilia, Christianity can be examined in all the Vatican, the situation is that the truth is in front of people, but some choose to ignore it. Abrahamism looks upon the matter as if it were normal, and this comes from Judaism.

This is just the Talmud speaking, which claims that having "Intercourse with a child as young as 3 years old, is like putting a finger in the eye. It sheds a few tears and then it heals again." [Kethubot 11b.] This is one of the numerous quotes on the subject.

Not long ago Mr Dershowitz was made a sensation over his message of how the jews control the media and really the world. And that there is no point to apologize or even hide about it anymore, they gained their right after all.

Normally the above would look as a surprise, but jews knew this for a very long time. The difference now is that the Goyim [animal non jews in hebrew] also start to know. And this is becoming problematic to them, as they had an easy reign.

For those watching the news, he of course stood up for his fellow jew Epstein, and now in the light of more information, he appears to be guilty. They lost the case as simply the evidence was going too far. As a result, and because of however many times around Epstein, Epstein is now either dead or escorted for a full ID change and facial reconstruction surgery.

Which is nothing strange considered what jews always are doing, and how they back up their tribe in the most abominable crimes.

He also added the jews need additional strength to create their "peace" - granted what the jew is doing, his peace is a world where he can sexually assault minors with his friend Epstein unabated and without interaction from the "Goyim" who more often than not recoil at their behavior. That is unholy of us and "Satanic".

We have no right to look into these. Gentiles sacrificed, raped and murdered in peace time, and essentially the whole overtaking of our nations by a foreign tribe with foreign interest is nothing to question here.


Now one can understand clearly why all these people just escape always from the most evident of crimes. There is no justice in a system that they control and they aren't going to punish their own, but this case with Epstein went too far.

Jews have forever tried to just move away of their "Stereotypes", but the situation is, they create their very own stereotypes. What Rockwell wrote in his books is that the Jews are like this whole different world, that lives on top of this one, and that nobody has an idea about, unless one goes into this and starts looking for things. Pizzagate, Epstein, sacrifices of humans as one jew proudly said is going to happen to Jeremy Corbyn as in hebrew Corban means "To Sacrifice", it all makes one wonder.


It makes total sense that jews all over the world are mobilizing to hide everything and literally try to ruin the web and all the flow of information that only reveals them for what they are. If anything, this is so stereotypical, that one would consider this absurd. The reality however is that this is reality, just that- plain and simple.

Tisha B'Av is approaching, and everyone here must do the Final RTR.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
