
ウイルスが日本を襲うと、バーやレストランが苦しむ一方で、デフレのリスクが高まる≒ As virus hits Japan, deflation risks grow while bars, restaurants suffer 金子かおり

As virus hits Japan, deflation risks grow while bars, restaurants suffer
Kaori Kaneko


FILE PHOTO: Empty seats are seen at a restaurant, following the outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), at Ginza shopping and amusement district in Tokyo, Japan April 2, 2020.
TOKYO (Reuters) - For someone like Sumako Furihata, who owns two small restaurants in Tokyo's Akasaka nightlife district, the coronavirus health crisis has been a nightmare that crushed sales and put her in a difficult situation.

Many of her rivals in the district, which relies on lunch and dinner demand from business workers, are also suffering as more companies have employees work from home at the government's request.

"The pace of fall in sales is much faster than during the global financial crisis," said Furihata, who has temporarily shut down one of her restaurants.


The pandemic has throttled an economy already on the brink of recession as social distancing policies have forced sectors such as transport, retail and tourism to temporarily scale down.

Economists say the outbreak also risked increasing deflationary pressure in Japan as people stay at home more and spend less.

"Prices for 'stay-at-home' related products such as foods are firm. But overall, there's an increasing risk Japan may slip back into deflation," said Hiroshi Ugai, chief economist at JPMorgan Securities Japan.

Ugai, who predicts Japan's economy will contract 4.4% this year, warned that prices for a range of goods will start falling around autumn.

An early snapshot of how Japanese businesses coped with the outbreak in March showed that retailers like Furihata were hit hardest, while other sectors got some respite.

The Nowcast private survey that captures real-time consumption trends – making it a leading indicator of government data – showed consumer spending index falling nearly 10% for hotels, about 28% for amusement parks, 14% for airplane tickets and more than 16% for train tickets during March 16-31, compared with a year earlier.

Many took a hit from the government's decision this month to declare a state of emergency for major population centres, including Tokyo, to combat the virus. The declaration urged citizens to stay at home, some facilities to shut down and restaurants to close early.

Movement of people around Tokyo station, a major transportation hub, dropped nearly 50% on April 15 from levels before the state of emergency announcement on April 7, according private data firm Agoop.

The number of people using major train stations such as Tokyo, Shinjuku and Ueno dropped more than 70% on April 13 from a year earlier, and that of western Osaka station slumped more than 60%, according to data compiled by the government.

There were some areas that were less affected, or even saw demand rise because of social distancing and work-from-home policies.

Coffee shops saw consumption increase more than 4% on demand from employees visiting cafes while teleworking.

Liquor shops saw spending rise 10% as bars closed. Supermarkets experienced more than a 14% rise in consumption, as they catered to households preparing more food at home.

But overall, prices are being pushed down.

(For graphics on consumption indexes by business category and overall, click: reut.rs/3erWOJ2, reut.rs/3bg2nYX )

Already, Japan is seeing bankruptcies creep up, particularly in the service sector. If the pandemic persists, the number could spike and lead to more job losses. That would dent the spending power of households, thus putting more downward pressure on prices, analysts say.

"If the number of unemployed rise, that will leave households with less purchasing power. That puts downward pressure on overall prices," said Takeshi Minami, chief economist at Norinchukin Research Institute.

Even if prices creep up, it could be for the wrong reasons. If the pandemic keeps factories in the world's third-largest economy from resuming operations for too long, that could hamper companies from producing enough goods.

"If companies need to scale down production lines for daily necessities, supply could shrink and prices of those produce may rise," Minami said.

(Interactive graphic tracking global spread of coronavirus: open tmsnrt.rs/3aIRuz7 in an external browser. )

(Reporting by Kaori Kaneko; Additional reporting by Hiroko Terui; Editing by Leika Kihara, Gerry Doyle & Shri Navaratnam)

Our standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.






JPMorgan Securities Japanのチーフエコノミスト、鵜飼浩氏は、「食品などの「在宅」関連商品の価格は堅調であるが、全体として、日本がデフレに陥るリスクが高まっている」と語った。



政府のデータの主要な指標となるリアルタイムの消費傾向を捉えたNowcastの民間調査によると、ホテルの消費支出指数は約10%、遊園地は約28%、飛行機のチケットは14%、航空券は16%以上下落しています。 3月16日から31日までの列車の切符は、1年前と比較して。

今月、東京を含む主要な人口密集地がウイルスと戦うための緊急事態を宣言するという政府の決定から多くの人が打撃を受けました。 宣言は市民に家にとどまるように、いくつかの施設を閉鎖するようにそしてレストランが早く閉まるように促しました。





バーが閉店したため、酒屋の支出は10%増加しました。 スーパーマーケットでは、家庭でより多くの食品を調理する世帯に対応するため、消費量が14%以上増加しました。


(ビジネスカテゴリ別および全体の消費指数に関するグラフィックについては、reut.rs / 3erWOJ2、reut.rs / 3bg2nYXをクリックしてください)

すでに日本では、特にサービス部門で倒産が拡大している。 パンデミックが持続する場合、その数は急上昇し、さらに多くの失業につながる可能性があります。 アナリストたちは、それは家計の消費力を弱め、価格の下落圧力をさらに高めるだろうと語った。


価格が急騰したとしても、それは間違った理由による可能性があります。 パンデミックにより世界第3位の経済の工場が長時間にわたって操業を再開できなくなると、企業が十分な製品を生産できなくなる可能性があります。



