
Ferrari rolls out coronavirus testing to get staff ready for work≒フェラーリ、コロナウイルス検査を実施し、スタッフの準備を整える

TUE APR 21, 2020 / 2:02 AM EDT

Ferrari rolls out coronavirus testing to get staff ready for work
Giulio Piovaccari and Elvira Pollina


FILE PHOTO: Ferrari Roma is unveiled during its first world presentation in Rome, Italy, November 14, 2019.
MILAN (Reuters) - Workers at Ferrari (RACE.MI) are signing up en masse for voluntary coronavirus screening so they can return to work as soon as possible in an ambitious scheme that could serve as a blueprint for manufacturers desperate to resume production.

Under its "Back on Track" project, Ferrari staff, families and suppliers first take blood tests to see if they're clear and will then be given an app which will alert them if they've been in close contact with any scheme members who contract COVID-19.

As manufacturers in Europe and North America scramble to find ways to restart their businesses while keeping the virus out of production sites, Ferrari's scheme to test workers and track possible cases of COVID-19 is being closely watched.


The aim is to ensure only healthy staff resume work but if someone does get the disease, their close contacts will be alerted by the smartphone app to stay away from the plant until they've been given the all clear.

"We've all understood we're not indestructible," said Alberto Zanetti, head of the UILM union in northern Italy's Modena province, which is home to Ferrari's Maranello plant. "Workers want to get tested."

Ferrari said 500 out of the 4,000 workers at its Italian plants in Maranello and Modena had already taken tests and the company had the potential to do about 800 a day.

"This screening will allow us to take an initial picture of the health status of the tested company's population," said Ferrari's head of human resources Michele Antoniazzi, adding that almost everyone offered a test had agreed to have one.

The blood tests show whether an employee is healthy, or might be infected. In the second case, they then need a swab test to confirm whether they actually have COVID-19.

Under the scheme, Ferrari will also give specific insurance coverage to those hospitalized after testing positive and will arrange temporary accommodation and medical assistance for anyone who has to self-isolate.

For now, Ferrari's plants remain shut along with other businesses in Italy deemed non-essential. But the carmaker says its scheme developed with virologists will help provide a safe working environment as soon as restrictions are eased.


Union boss Zanetti said the aim was to protect individual production units from the spread of the virus and that he expected more than 90% of employees to take tests. "Other companies are calling us to see how it works," he said.

Ferrari only produced just over 10,000 of its luxury sports cars last year so its initiative might not easily transfer to bigger automakers that churn out millions of vehicles a year.

However, Ferrari Chairman John Elkann is also chairman of auto giant Fiat Chrysler (FCHA.MI) and he said Ferrari would share the project results. Exor (EXOR.MI), the holding company of Italy's Agnelli family, controls both companies.

Gaetano Gargiulo, who works in the R&D department in Maranello where prototypes of Ferrari's "Prancing Horse" supercars are built, said he had taken the blood test.

"I did it early in the morning and by 4 p.m. I'd received the response on my mobile," said Gargiulo, who is also part of an internal safety group appointed by fellow workers. "I was very happy to do it, for me and my family. I know that many colleagues are pushing to do it as soon as possible".

Gargiulo is also optimistic his fellow workers will agree to adopt the smartphone app when it's launched. "People are looking at it as a positive thing. As they agreed to take the blood test, they'll also use the app," he said.

Ferrari's app adheres to an European initiative called Pan-European Privacy Preserving Proximity Tracing (PEPP-PT), which is designed to track transmission chains of COVID-19 without infringing individual privacy.

The Ferrari app was developed by tech startup Bending Spoons in Milan, the same firm picked by the Italian government to create a national tracking platform as part of efforts to lift the nationwide lockdown.

Antoniazzi said the app would only track contacts users have had with others in the scheme using Bluetooth technology and would not record movement. Data collected will also be managed by a company outside Ferrari.

"People will be guaranteed anonymity and therefore privacy."

2020年4月21日火曜日/ 2:02 AM EDT


「バックオントラック」プロジェクトでは、フェラーリのスタッフ、家族、サプライヤーがまず血液検査を受けて明確であるかどうかを確認し、次に、スキームのメンバーと密接に接触している場合に警告するアプリが提供されます 契約COVID-19。




フェラーリのマラネロ工場があるイタリア北部のモデナ県にあるUILM組合の責任者であるアルベルト・ザネッティ氏は、「私たちが破壊できないことは誰もが理解している」と語った。 「労働者はテストを受けたいと思っている。」



血液検査は、従業員が健康であるか、感染している可能性があるかを示します。 2番目のケースでは、実際にCOVID-19があるかどうかを確認する綿棒テストが必要です。


今のところ、フェラーリの工場は、イタリアでは他の必須ではないと見なされている事業とともに閉鎖されたままです。 しかし、自動車メーカーは、ウイルス学者と一緒に開発されたその計画は、制限が緩和されるとすぐに安全な作業環境を提供するのに役立つと言います。


ユニオンのボス、ザネッティ氏は、個々の生産ユニットをウイルスの蔓延から保護することを目的としており、従業員の90%以上がテストを受けることを期待していると語った。 「他の企業はそれがどのように機能するかを見るために我々に電話をかけている」と彼は言った。


しかし、フェラーリのジョンエルカン会長は、自動車大手のフィアットクライスラー(FCHA.MI)の会長でもあり、フェラーリはプロジェクトの結果を共有すると語った。 イタリアのAgnelliファミリーの持ち株会社であるExor(EXOR.MI)は、両方の会社を管理しています。


「私は朝早くから午後4時までにそれを行いました。携帯電話で応答を受け取りました」同僚の労働者によって任命された内部安全グループの一部でもあるGargiuloは言いました。 「私と私の家族にとって、私はそれを行うことができてとても嬉しかった。多くの同僚ができるだけ早くそれを行うことを強く求めていることを知っている」

ガルジウロ氏はまた、彼の同僚がスマートフォンアプリのリリース時に採用することに同意するだろうと楽観視しています。 「人々はそれをポジティブなものとして見ている。彼らは血液検査を受けることに同意したので、彼らはアプリも使用するだろう」と彼は言った。



Antoniazziは、このアプリはBluetooth技術を使用するスキームでユーザーと他のユーザーとの接触のみを追跡し、動きを記録しないと述べた。 収集されたデータは、フェラーリ以外の会社によっても管理されます。

