
Words from Chaya Czernowin

ハーバード大学で教授をつとめる作曲家Chaya Czernowin(ハヤ・チェルノヴィン)が下記のような文章をfacebookに投稿していました。突然のことで文脈はわかりませんが、「女性やノンバイナリージェンダーの作曲家の人々へ」と書かれた文章が印象深かったので、残しておきます。ジェンダー・トピックというより、どんどん機会に挑戦したらいいよ!っていう若手を鼓舞する内容なんですけど。


Dear composer who are who are women and non binary.

I am writing you after teaching in many courses for young
composers, where there were very few of you ! I have heard from the organizers that there were mostly applications from Male composers. Mostly the relationship is about 5:1 or even 6 : 1

Please, do not wait to feel that you are already accomplished before you apply! these million courses out there are for learning! Simply apply! open doors! if the first three doors do not open then the fourth will. But you have to take the initiative because if you do not fight for your work no one will and you will get less opportunities.

In many of these courses the people who read the applications are looking for POTENTIAL and not for a proof that you have already been in 3 other festivals and that you have an orchestral piece. Even at the schloss course we chose someone who applied with only midi files. apply with what you have one can see a potential with any piece you send.

Please take this as a personal advice.
Please feel free to share this post.

Chaya Czernowinの2019年6月16日のfacebookの投稿より


[Maija Hynninenからのコメント]
What about when you’re too old for most opportunities but still student? I didn’t dare to start composing until I was 24. I thought it was mostly something only guys do. Then when finished with degree, I was 30+. Then it’s time to have children. Now that my kids are 7, 5 and 2 and I could start going to places, I’m 42. Oh yes, I did Ircam Cursus, Acanthes and other really great and life changing opportunities as well, and am now doing PhD at UC Berkeley. But still it’s damn hard to get the career going at this age. It feels that I have always been too late for everything. We are an artist family where my husband is sculptor/painter with not prospects of earning any money at the moment. Being completely poor with three kids also makes me, the composer responsible for our finances is part of this horribly difficult equation. Yes, apply for courses and opportunities if not too old, have time and money to do it. I WOULD ❤️ TO!

[Chaya Czernowinからの返信]
This sounds difficult. if you are in your 40is its hard and If in addition you have 3 kids, of course it is extremely extremely difficult. But you have your family life which is an amazing resource of strength too. Your way is different and when one has chosen a unique path this is always more difficult but has also its unique rewards. To our point: In Zlil Meudcan in Israel Sarah Nemtsov came with her 2 kids. They were together in the one hotel room and she was able to be really present and contribute to the course immensely. I am still in awe about this. You never know: someone on a committee might be excited about your work and would be willing to negotiate a certain kind of help taking into account your particular situation. Just write clearly and explain your special situation when you apply. 

とても大変な状況ね。40代のアーティストとして、3人の子を持つ親として、本当に本当に困難だと思う。でもあなたに家族がいることは力の大きな源にもなる。人と違う生き方を選んだとき、さらに多くの困難がつきまとう。でもそうやってでしか得られないものもあるはず。Zlil Meudcan [*チェルノヴィンの地元イスラエルで彼女たちが隔年で講師をつとめる夏季作曲講習会] にSarah Nemtsov [*近年大活躍のドイツ人女性作曲家] がやってきたとき彼女は2人の子供と一緒だった。彼女はホテルの1つの部屋で子供たちと過ごしながらも、講習会で(多くの発言するなど)受講生としてもなくてはならない存在だった。私はそのことに今でもすごいことだと思ってる。分からないわよ!審査員があなたの作品に興味を持って、あなたの状況をどうにかして支えてあげたいと思うかもしれない。応募するときに今の特別な状況を明確に書いて説明したら良いんじゃないかしら。


