究極の兵器「LAWS」、起動したら人類滅亡へまっしぐらか殺人ロボットに法的▪︎道徳的•論理的な判断は期待できずPDF魚拓MEGA 、Change.org署名ファナックはイスラエルの“死の商人”に武器製造ロボットを売るな! #StopFANUCNow




山口 賢治 代表取締役社長兼CEO(ファナック株式会社)と3人の別の宛先


署名の発信者 BDS Japan Bulletin


English page

 ファナックは山梨県に本社を置く、世界シェア第2位の産業用ロボット製造企業です。ファナックは自社のロボットなどを、イスラエルの最大手軍需企業エルビット・システムズやIAI、その他の軍需企業に販売しています! 今まさにパレスチナ人の虐殺に加担している“死の商人”たちの工場で、日本企業のロボットが武器製造に使われているのです。


ファナックはイスラエルの“死の商人”に武器製造ロボットを売るな! #StopFANUCNow




PR and SR Department of FANUCと2人の別の宛先


署名の発信者 BDS Japan Bulletin


We demand FANUC to stop selling weapons manufacturing robots to Israeli "Merchants of Death” companies! #StopFANUCNow

What we want to change by signing this petition:

FANUC must stop selling arms manufacturing robots to Israeli "Merchants of Death" companies who are complicit in the Palestinian massacre!

FANUC, headquartered in Yamanashi Prefecture in Japan, is the world's second largest manufacturer of industrial robots. FANUC sells its robots and other products to Israel’s largest weapons company Elbit Systems as well as IAI, and other weapons companies!

Right this moment, robots made by this Japanese company are being used to manufacture weapons in the factories of companies that are complicit in the on-going massacre of Palestinians.

Elbit Systems and IAI are Israel's top two weapons companies, supplying weapons to the Israeli army, which is currently slaughtering Palestinians. Both companies manufacture most of the combat drones and ground equipment used to kill civilians in Gaza; as well as the surveillance drones used throughout Gaza, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem; and components of the “Wall of Apartheid”, which is a violation of international law (*1). These arms companies are using FANUC products in their factories!

Fanuc,stop selling robots to make Israeli weapons #StopFANUCNow