



署名の発信者 パレスチナに連帯を 大学関係者

(English version below)










 私たちは改めて、なぜ今回のような悲劇が起きてしまったのか、冷静に考えなければなりません。 今日、パレスチナ・イスラエル双方において無辜の市民が命を奪われることになった根本的な責任は、イスラエル政府、さらにそれを看過してきた国々にあると言って差し支えないでしょう。
















English ver.

We decided to release a new statement based on the one published on the 23rd of October, 2023, since the university related parties in the U.S. are being oppressed by the authorities.

We, the University related-parties in Japan, express a stance to oppose the brutal use of force by the Israeli Army against Palestine.

The Israeli executive declared “We will eliminate Hamas members from the earth” and mentioned the possibility of ground invasion. Likewise, U.S. and European countries designated Hamas as a terrorist group. We deeply regret the attacks and remember the anger they have caused against ordinary citizens.

It is occurring under the name of battle against the so-called “terrorist group” Hamas.

Palestinians have no shelter, are blocked from transportation and have nowhere to escape. Until today, more than 30,000 civilians were killed. Not only that, but because of the blockade imposed by Israel, nearly a half of the citizens in Gaza face famine. Some of the children have been reported to be dead because of the severe starvation.

U.S. and European countries, showing solidarity with Israel one after another in the beginning, however, changed their attitude, resulting in the approval of the UN Security Council Resolution (S/RES/2728(2024)). Nevertheless, the situation has not changed: rather, the oppression towards the speech has worsened, labelling the individuals and groups showing solidarity with Palestinian people as “Anti-Semitism”, a term predominated in Nazi ideology. It is inducing misunderstanding as if both stances are sharing the same stance although they are completely different.

In the United States of America, the University students and staff protested to call for the ceasefire and to cut off the relationship among the authorities and Israeli parties, who are contributing to the mass killing in Gaza. Now, a lot of university students and staff including professors are detained by the police because of their appeal. Speeches, unfavourable for the authorities, have been oppressed all too easily.

Essentially, the act of “Settlement” is the violation of International Law, as recognised by the UN Security Council Resolution (S/RES/2334(2016)). Then, how many countries have truly held Israel accountable for “Settler Colonialism” in this context?

The same responsibility is true of our awareness.

“Anyway it is happening in somewhere far away”

“I feel like have learned about it at school”

“Anyway both sides are bad”

Apathy, Ignorance, Irresponsible discourse__

All these attitudes might unconsciously lead to support for the violence of one side.

From 1947 until today, the people of Palestine have been claiming Right of national self-determination, their own rights on their own land. However, the Israeli government has been exhaustively oppressing them. Not only the settlement, but they have repeated arbitrary arrests, detention, murder, ejection.

We have to re-think objectively why this tragedy had to happen today. It is fair to say that the place of fundamental responsibility that both Palestinian and Israeli citizens are killed is in the Israeli government, and the countries have been overlooking this unfair situation.

What we ask for is as follows:

1. Ceasefire NOW
2. We call for all Universities to oppose the oppression towards the speech calling for ceasefire
3. Let us fight against Islamophobia taking advantage of this situation
4. And let us oppose anti-Semitism, any kind of discrimination, xenophobia

We strongly condemn the brutal use of force by the Israeli army against Palestinians including children and women. We stand in solidarity with the students and citizens in Israel, in the U.S., European countries, and all over the world who appeal for the halt of indiscriminate attacks against Palestine.

And we insist everyone to take action to stop this situation.

Called upon by


Sana Ota (Keio University)

Risa Shirasaka (Keio University)


Shunsuke Tanaka (University of Tokyo)

Hiroki Ijuuin (Hosei University )

Shintaro Omi (Waseda University)

(We ask University students, staff, alumni and past enrolled members to sign the petition. We also welcome those who are not University related-parties.)
