
I first heard about Cayce was when I was in junior high school days(about 1977) and I started to follow his readings in 1989.

At that time, there was no way to buy the Castor oil needed, and even in Tokyo it was hard to buy olive oil. So it was very hard to do the Cayce treatments at home. I had to import what I needed from overseas.

When we established the "Edgar Cayce Center in Japan", I found that many other people were having trouble getting the Caster oil and massage oils,too. So I started to help them import what they needed from overseas, and that was how Temple Beautiful began.

Recently, whenever I visit the US, and attend holistic conferences, I hear many people say that the Cayce readings are too old. I realized that less and less people are interested in the Cayce readings, and in particular young people feel there is no benefit in his readings. I felt very disheartened by this.

For me, I feel that the Cayce readings are still effective. There are only a few readings translated into Japanese, so we only have access to a small percentage of his work. However, the ones that are available are used by many Japanese, and have helped many people here.

On this page, I'd like to introduce some stories of how people in Japan are using the readings for their good health.

Naoko Mitsuda
TempleBeautiful Ltd.