
Castor Oil Pack (Testimony)

A few days after I started using the castor oil pack, my back pain was gone. And the red, congested eyes that I used to experience also disappeared. I felt that my health is the best it has been my entire life.
By Momo Female

I have been using the castor oil pack three times a week. I feel that my health has stabilized. I have good elimination, and this feels like a detox for me. Whenever I feel tired or my health worsens, I do a castor oil pack and the next day I feel much better. I'm really thankful for the power of these castor oil packs.

I feel that my mind has become clear. I always felt a little emotionally unstable or nervous. However this feeling has gone. A month after starting the Castor oil packs, the bleeding I experience during my period has become much lighter. I remember my period used to be that light when I was a teenager. So I feel like the Castor oil pack is helping to give me an inner cleanse.

I have many other trouble spots and health issues, but the Castor oil pack supports me on my road to good health.

I have been using the castor oil pack for 6 months. My cycle is 5 days of Castor oil pack and 2 days rest. I have lost 8 kilos. I used to have a pain in my groin area quite often, but that has almost gone.I'm very grateful for the Castor oil pack. I plan to continue the Castor oil pack.

My period flow was very heavy, like a waterfall. Because of this, I suffered from severe anemia. However, I started using the Castor oil pack, and the next period I had was almost normal, and it is not a heavy flow at all. So, I will definitely continue using the castor oil pack.

I used the Castor oil pack on my tummy. I had some warts on my neck
and after using the castor oil pack on my tummy, the warts on my neck
disappeared! Even though I didn't use the pack on my neck. My health
has improved. I have been recommending the Castor oil pack to my
friends and family.