
聞き手を引き込む!「魅力的な話し方」のコツEngage your listeners! tips for "attractive speaking"


Child : Teacher, what should I do to speak attractively?

Teacher : Good question. There are a few tricks to engaging your conversation.

Child : What`s the trick?

Teacher : First of all, it is important to adjust the speed and rhythm.
If you tald too much, the listener will get bored, and if you talk too fast, the listener will not be able to keep up.
So by speaking at the right speed and adjusting the rhythm, you can grab the listener`s attention.

Child : I see, speed and rhythm are important.

Teacher : I agree. It is also important to change the volume and tone of your voice. If you keep speaking at the same volume or tone, you won`t keep the listener interested.
It is important to change the volume and tone appropriately to express the speaker`s emotions.

Child : The tone and volume of your voice are also important.

Teacher : I agree. Also, using hand gestures can be ellective. Using hand movements and body poses can sdd power to your words and grab your listener`s attention.
However, it is important to use it appropriately, as excessive use can confuse listener`s.

Child : Gestures are also important.

Teacher : I agree. It is also important to make eye contact when speaking.
Lookinf into the listener`s eyes when you speak conveys the speaker`s confidence and sincerity.
In addition, since the listener`s reaction can be confirmed, communication berween the speaker and the listener can be further deepened.

Child : It is also important to speak with eye contact.

Teacher : I agree. Finally, it is also important to be aware of the relationship berween the speker and the listener.
Talking about topics that interest the listener will make the speaker more attractive.
It is important for the speker to approach while watching the reaction of the listener.

Child : I see, it`s important to look at the listener`s reaction and talk.

Teacher : I agree. By arranfing the topic while waching the listener`s reaction, you can talk about the topic that the listener is interested in.
For example, when talking with friends, it is important to choose your topic according to the other peason`s topic.
If you only talk about things that interest you, it will be boring for the other person.

Child : If you put there tips into practice when talking with friends, you`ll be able to have more fun!

Teacher : I agree. Practicing these tips will help you become a more engaging speaker. Let`s practice so that we can use it at any time.














大人: そうですね。聞き手の反応を見ながら、話題をアレンジすることで、聞き手が興味を持つ話題について話すことができます。たとえば、友達と話す時は、相手の話題に合わせて自分の話題を選ぶことが大切です。自分の興味のあることばかり話すと、相手にとってはつまらない話になってしまいますよ。


大人: そうですね。これらのコツを実践することで、魅力的な話し方ができるようになります。いつでも使えるように、練習してみましょう。
