
言論と表現の自由 | Freedom of Speech and Expression

こんにちは、Cardanoステーク・プール・オペレータのSUGARです。今回はチャールズ・ホスキンソン氏のYouTubeで「Freedom of Speech and Expression」というタイトルで、とても大事な配信があったため翻訳を記事にしてみました。(後続の配信も興味深い内容です)できるだけ歪曲のない内容にしているつもりですが、気になる点がございましたらご指摘いただけますと幸いです。



デ・プラットフォーム: プラットフォームから追放する。バンする。


少なくとも私は暖かい日差しの強いコロラドからの生放送を許可されています。最近は、かなり狂った時代です。誰もが、非常に狭い範囲の思想に当てはまらない限り、最終的にはデ・プラット フォームされてしまうような気がします。私は、人類が経験してきたすべてのことを考えずにはいられないのです。そして、なぜ私たちが持っている権利を持っているのか。言論の自由、表現の自由、宗教の自由、集会する権利、これらはただ持っていて良かっただけのものではありませんでした。合理的で自由な社会の前提条件であり、結果をもたらすものであり、多くの良いものや楽しいものを与えてくれます。ロード・オブ・ザ・リングのような並外れたフィクション作品を手に入れたり、偉大な映画を手に入れたり、偉大な芸術を手に入れたり、多くの悪いものを与えてくれます。フェイクニュースを手に入れたり、悪い考えを手に入れたり、陰謀論を手に入れたり、陰謀論的な考えを手に入れたり、人々を分断して憎しみ合うようなあらゆる種類の不快な言論を手に入れたり、アイデアを手に入れたり、これが自由の結果だと思います。

社会が何かをすることを許すとき、社会がすることを許すことには犠牲が伴うことを受け入れなければなりません。 私たちは、アメリカでは資本主義、自由市場の国であると信じたいです。民間企業では、よく耳にするのですが、この会社は何かをする権利があります。しかしそれは真実ではありません。架空の話です。民間企業など存在しません。何十億人ものユーザーがいるという閾値に達したら、株式を公開し、政府との契約や関係を持つことになります。架空の話です。民間企業など存在しません。アメリカが拷問はしないと言っているのと同じくらい笑えますが、拷問を第三者である民間企業や他国の諜報機関に外注しています。拷問はしていませんが、それでも同じ結果を得ています。憲法上の権利があるのに、スパイはしないと言うのと同じくらい笑える話ですが、パランティアや他の民間企業を雇ってスパイをさせます。グーグルやアップル、マイクロソフトのような企業を見ると、それらの企業のプラットフォームは独占であり、それらの集合体を見ると、それが効果的に意味するのは、20世紀の黎明期に市場全体のセグメントを所有し、支配しているということです。

シャーマン独禁法の場合、その資源は石油でした。なぜなら、エネルギーが20世紀の経済繁栄の鍵であると認識していたからです。少数のアクターが、官民連携と価格固定の能力を完全にコントロールしていたら、一方的に国全体の運命を決めることができます。21世紀の石油を見てみると、情報とデータがあり、これらの大規模なプラットフォームは、あなたが見ているもの、あなたが考えているもの、あなたの表現、あるいはその欠如をコントロールしています。民間企業の敷居を超えています。これらの企業のCEOは、彼が望むものは何でも言うことができますか?いいえ、彼らは規制されたエンティティであるため、株価が月に行くだとか、価格に影響を与えるような他のことを行うことができません。SECが介入するでしょう 彼らの行動には何らかの制約や規制があることはすでに受け入れています。しかし、私は自由主義者として、何が良い言論で何が悪い言論かを決めるのは政府ではないと固く信じています。だから現実には、これらのプラットフォームがプロトコルになる必要があるのです。




しかし、美しいことは、我々 はプロトコルの時代に住んでいるということです。 私たちが暗号通貨から学んだことは、これを克服する能力を持っています。私たちには、情報と思考を運ぶプロトコルを作成する能力があります。私たちは新しい方法で情報を監督する能力を持っています。数年前、ツイッターが最初にファクトチェックを始めたとき、私はジャック・ドーシーに、そしてソーシャルメディアの世界や指導的立場にある多くの人に言ったことの一つに、真実を決定するために情報を監督し、人々をデ・プラットフォームするのではなく、代わりに、ニューヨークタイムズ、フォックスニュース、CNN、ポリティファクトのようなプロバイダーが発行するサービスを実行するサードパーティのアプリケーションをインストールして、ユーザーが望むように情報を監督できるようにしたらどうだろうか、ということがありました。そうすれば、監督の概念があり、まだファクトチェックの概念もありますが、少なくとも選んだエンティティによって監督されたものを見ることになります。保守的な視点を選んだら、リベラルな視点とペアにして、社会主義的な視点を選んだら、リバタリアンな視点とペアにして、アイデアの流れや思考の多様性を生み出すことができます。


今まさに言論の自由のためにここで同じような例えや議論がなされています。マスメディアはどの大統領のどんなツイートよりも、どのDCの集会よりも、世界の多くの人を殺してきました。 米国資本の格付けが不愉快で卑劣なものであったように、私はもう若くはないので、イラク戦争でメディアが何をしたかを忘れたわけではありません。多くの人が道徳的で正しいことだと言っていましたが、イラクでは100万人以上がなくなりました。何千人もの兵士が手足を永久に失っている場合もありました。全て嘘の上に成り立っています。その嘘を広めた放送の責任者たちは何の被害も受けていませんし、多くの場合、個人的に豊かになりました。マスメディアはそれを何度も何度も放送して宣伝した責任があります。何も責任結果はありません。真実を独占しているように見えます。正しい時にはすべての信用を得、彼らは間違っている時には、何の責任を被ることはありません。



宗教が逆行していた世界を支配する暗黒時代のようです。地球が太陽の周りを回転していると信じることはとても不快とされていましたが、それさえも提案する大胆さを持っていた人は、火あぶりにされました。早く対策をしなければ、成長を否定し、怒る勇気もない現代人になってしまいます。しかし、それでも前に進むことができます。業界として一緒に解決していきましょう。人として解決し、権利を剥奪しようとする者を尊重してはいけません。悪いことが起こります。 悪いことは毎日起こります。人生は厳しいです。自由は高価で危険です。しかし、捕虜収容所にいたことがある人や自由のない社会に住んでいる人なら誰もが知っているように、もう一つの選択肢はもっと悪いものです。刑務所の安全を取るより、自由のリスクを取る方がはるかに良いです。ありがとう。

English version

Hi everyone, this is Charles Hopkinson broadcasting live from warm sunny Colorado. For at least along as I’m allowed to broadcast live from warm sunny Colorado. It’s a pretty crazy time lately it seems like everybody’s going to eventually be de-platformed unless they fit into a very narrow band of thought you know I can’t help but think about all that mankind has been through and why we have the rights that we have. You see freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of religion, the right to assemble these weren’t just nice to have things they’re prerequisites to rational and free society and they carry consequences they give you a lot of good and fun stuff you get extraordinary works of fiction like The Lord Of The Rings. You get great movies, you get great art, and they give you a lot of bad stuff, you get fake news, you get bad ideas, you get conspiracy theories, you get conspiratorial thinking, and you get all kinds of nasty speech that divides people, and make people hate each each other, and ideas you get bigotry and for every moment of bigotry you get a moment of love and that those are the consequences of freedom.

When you allow a society to do something you must accept that the things that you allow a society to do carry a cost so we like to believe in the united sets that we live in a country with capitalism and free markets in private companies. I hear a lot well this company has the right to do something. It’s a private company. This is not truth. It’s a fiction. There’s no such thing as private company once you’ve reached the threshold of billions of users. You’re publicly traded you have government contracts and relationships. It’s almost laughable as when the United States says well we don’t torture. But then they outsource torture to third-party private company or an intelligence service of another nation. Technically they’re right. No torture has occurred but they still achieved the same out come. It’s almost as laughable as when they say we don’t spy on people you have constitutional rights but then they go hire Palantir or another private company to go and do that. When you look at companies like Google and Apple and Microsoft collectively their platforms are monopolies when you look at the collection of them and what that effectively means is that they own and control in an entire market segment. At the dawn of the 20th century, we realized a long time ago that it’s real bad deal when a small group of companies come together and form monopolies and have total control over a resource.

So in that case with the Sherman antitrust act that resource was oil because they recognized that energy was the key to economic prosperity in the 20th century. And if a small group of actors had total control over that public-private partnerships and the ability to price fix then they could unilaterally decide the fate of and entire nation. When we look at the oil of the 21st century it’s information and data and collectively these massive platforms have control over what you see, what you think, your expressions or lack thereof who is credible, who is not credible, who is famous, who is not famous, who is legitimate, who is not legitimate. They have exceeded the threshold of a private company. Can the CEO of these companies say whatever he wants? No, because they are regulated entity can’t go and say the stock is going to go to the moon or go ahead and do other things to affect the price. The SEC would step in. So we already accept that there’s some constraints or controls of their behavior. But as a libertarian i firmly believe it’s not the government’s place to decide what is good speech and what is bad speech. So the reality is that these platforms need to become protocols.

I’ve always believed that we could not trust government to have control of monetary policy. We cannot trust the federal reserve to have control of monetary policy. So what did we do as an industry? We build the best money the world had over seen, the cryptocurrency. And in just 12 short years it went from nothing to trillion dollars of value. And let me tell you in the next 12 years that sure as hell is going to continue growing. Because people are starting to wise up and get there idea that when you leave governments and private interests to their own selfish desires with no accountability and oversight and the ability to control the narrative, you will end up with governments thinking it’s okay to print trillions of dollars out of thin air. And so if they cannot constrain themselves and we cannot constrain them through the ballot box, the only resource we have that is non-violent is to opt out. And that’s what we did with cryptocurrencies.

And this year and last year especially that truth was learned by millions of people throughout the world. We now live in an age where people of certain ideology who don’t like ideas that are contrary to their own will label all things hate speech and their enemies instead of just ignorant bullies now terrorists. Anything that fits outside of their norm must be de-platformed, must be stopped, must be silenced. Why? Because they believe the ideas are dangerous. Totalitarian dictators believe ideas are dangerous. Religious zealots whose claim they speak for god believe ideas are dangerous. Free societies do not. Bad ideas once exposed to the crucible of rationalism and critical thinking always burn out and don’t get whole. The only time you fear ideas is when you fear people having them. So like money cryptocurrencies now must extend into the new economy and the new unit of value. Just like we had the oil companies of the 20th century the new oil data and information and expression must be liberated from the markets that they exist within and from the gatekeepers that they exist within. And we now need to create protocols to help us make sure that we cannot be de-platformed and censored and particular ideologies can co-opt the dialogue, and prevent freedom of human expression thought and alternative structures and governance from emerging. Otherwise we will descend into the dictatorship that billions of people in the 20th century endured and many of which died from.

This does not mean that we must be tolerant of the hateful. this does not mean that there no consequences for bad ideas or harmful ideas. We can always hold people accountable for the thoughts and ideologies that they have that are regressive and destructive. We must tolerate a person’s freedom to be distasteful but we never have to tolerate the distasteful person and invite them into our lives our businesses and our commercial endeavors, or allow them to be elevated in society. This is the distinction that is always missed in something that our constitution in the Unites States got right. And those who would truly understand it and adhere to it fight for on a daily basis. I do not want to live in an economy where so few have absolute dominion over the thoughts of so many, and because this is politically convenient to those in power, they are allowed to keep those monopolies. And over time those monopolies will become state-sponsored just as we’ve seen in the financial industry with the use of financial regulation. We cannot allow this to happen. We will lose our liberties we will lose our freedoms. 

The beautiful thing however is that we live in an age of protocols. And because what we’ve learned from cryptocurrencies we do have the ability to overcome this. We do have an ability to create protocols that carry information and thought and we do have the ability to curate information in new ways. Years ago, when twitter started first fact-checking, one of the things I told Jack Dorsey and one of the things I told many people in the social media world and leadership positions, instead of taking it upon themselves to curate information to decide truth and de-platform people, instead, why don’t you allow people to install third-part applications that perform that service issued by providers like the New York Times or PolitiFact of Fox News or CNN. And allow the users to curate the information as they desire. Then you still have a notion of curation. You still have notion of fact checking but you’re at the very least allowing people to see things that are curated by the entities they’ve chosen. And if you want to make it fair perhaps you can pair them. So if you choose a conservative viewpoint, then you pair it with a liberal view point. if you choose a socialist viewpoint perhaps you get with a libertarian view point. And then you can create idea flow and diversity of thought.

But it would not be the platform’s place and purpose to de-platform people to censor people or decide who’s harmful and who’s not harmful. we will always when we want to censor and to empower the few, focus on the most extreme. every single time people talk about encryption, usually those wish to ban it will focus on the pedophiles and the terrorists and say because of their mere existence and because this radical minority is using the technology, every single person’s privacy must be undone.

And the very same analogies and arguments are being made right now right here for freedom of speech. Mass media has killed far more people in the world than any tweet from any president and any rally in DC. As distasteful and despicable as the the rating of the us capital was, I am not young enough to have forgotten what our media did with the beat up to the Iraq war. Many said it was moral and just thing to do. And over million people died in Iraq. Thousands of our soldiers were maimed some cases permanently missing limbs traumatic brain injuries. All built upon a lie. Those responsible for broadcasting that lie propagating that lie suffered no consequences. And in many cases personally were enriched. Mass media is responsible for broadcasting and propagating that again and again and again. No consequences. Because they seem to have a monopoly on the truth. And when get it right take all the credit when they get it wrong suffer none of the blame.

Yet we the American people must be denied the right to be journalists ourself, must be denied the right to have out own thoughts and expressions even if every now and then it causes harm or we get it wrong. It’s shameful. It’s what dictatorships do. We laughed about this during the communist days. When we saw how blatantly insane it was with the commissars and the media control agencies and the ministries of information censoring things deciding arbitrarily who’s good and who’s bad destroying reputations. Certain countries disappear billionaires when they become inconvenient, disappear their authors and their scientists when they express things that are inconvenient truths. And we are flirting dangerously close to reality where that can happen.

But difference between America, the different between our mindset as a people and the mindset of other countries that have succumbed to this is that when we don’t like what our government does and we don’t like the policy has we have the freedom at least today to rise up and do things differently. In my case i’m a technology entrepreneur, and so as a consequence with the skills and knowledge I have I do see solutions that can guarantee the freedom of expression association and commerce. And in the coming days we’ll figure out ways to ensure that for the good of all humanity. It doesn’t mean we can’t curate information. It doesn’t mean we can’t use incredible tools like ai to give people different viewpoints and different ways of thinking about things. It doesn’t mean we don’t have to hold people accountable for what they say. And it doesn’t mean that we have to welcome in toxic or destructive viewpoints or people into out lives. But the consequences of restriction of speech is the restriction of thoughts the stagnation of society and the empowerment of the status quo.

Much like the dark ages when religions rules the world that were regressive, and it was so offensive to believe that the earth revolved around the sun instead of the other way around and those who had the audacity to even suggest it were burned at the stake. If we don’t do something soon we will enter into a modern equivalent of this where we deny our ability to grow and we lack the courage to be offended. But still move forward. So let’s solve it together as an industry. Let’s solve it together as people, and let us never respect those who wish to strip us out our rights. Because bad things happen. Bad things happen every day. Life is hard. Liberty is expensive and dangerous. But the alternative is even worse as every single person who’s ever been gulag and very single person living in a society without freedom can tell you. It’s much better to take risk of freedom than take the safety of a prison. Thank you.
