
5 Best Inspirational Books to Motivate the Young Readers

"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them" ~ Walt Disney
Books that inspire are meant for young children who have just begun their academic journey. It fosters dreams for young minds and enables them to express themselves, set goals and accept challenges that will Accent their talents and leave a positive impact on their personality.

Many books can encourage young readers to take the right path in their community and cultivate their thoughts into creative actions. Such inspirations can manifest itself into positive behaviors such as tenacity in facing failures, or tangible results of taking an idea and running with it.
In this article, we will discuss five books that can inspire young children with words, illustrations and actions of the protagonist. All the books are available on major online platforms and libraries.

1. Giraffes Can't Dance by Giles Andreae
No, everyone comes With the same gracefulness and sophistication in life. Giraffes Can't Dance a touching tale of a giraffe named Gerald who wanted to dance. However, due to his crooked knees and thin legs, it was harder for the giraffe to dance. On finding the right song with cricket, he overcomes his frustration and shrugs off the mocking of the other animals in the jungle.
The story, with the combination of creative illustrations by Guy Parker-Rees, delivers the message of individuality and the importance of Self-esteem, which can motivate the young minds to be proud of themselves.

2. Spouts: The Whale Who Saved Christmas by Captain Philip Howe
Every child is born with a unique gift. Spouts: The Whale Who Saved Christmas is an inspiring book that can give confidence to the children about anything that makes them different from others around them The book is inspired by the tropical islands of the South Seas where the writer voyaged around seeking for adventure.

Spouts is a story of a baby whale who was born with an unusual gift that became the reason for mockery for others. However, when the time came for Christmas, he was the one who could save Christmas along with Santa and deliver gifts to the young kids all around the world.

3. What Do You Do With an Idea? By Kobi Yamada
A book that describes the importance of creativity and the ability to alter the world without box thinking is a story of a young boy with an idea that doesn't bear fruit immediately. Some People think the idea to be crazy, and some suggest the boy give up. However, the boy's determination enables him to wait for the moment when the egg cracks wide open, sprouts wings and takes flight.

Using the egg's metaphor that slowly cracks, the writer, Kobi Yamada, unfolds the wonders of the idea that the young boy nurtures to turn it into something special.

4. Rosie Revere, Engineer by Andrea Beaty
With a message to succeed with anything till you try it, Rosie is a great inventor with an ambition to overcome her fear of failure. This book is an exceptional reader, especially for young girls who are left inspired by the young Rosie, who takes after her great-great-aunt, Rosie the Riveter of World War 2 Fame.

This book is a great motivational book for the kids ageing three to seven and for the young parents reading to the kids.

5. Incredible You! 10 Ways to Let Your Greatness Shine Through by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer and Kristina Tracy
A motivational book co-authored by Dr. Wayne Dyer is a rhyming book that can help the young kids reach their potential by finding happiness With positive thinking. Along the way, the writers implore the kids to find the motivation and compare the heart to a magic cookie jar. The book focuses on hard work for something that you truly desire.