
Ikgdar 100mg Injection | Rituximab | Uses, Side effects, Price in India

Ikgdar 100mg injection HCL 100 mg and hyaluronic acid human injection are given alone or combination with another drug to treat certain types of cancer patients (cancer start in WBC).) Ikgdar 100 mg of a class of characteristics (TNF) 100 mg of monoclonal antibodies. I for the treatment rheumatoid arthritis symptoms in adults that have been already treated with a certain type of regimen known as tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitor. Cancer cells to treat the airways of patients. granulomatosis with polyangiitis, and microscopic polyangiitis by stopping the activity of the immune system that will damage the joints, veins, and other blood vessels).


Elimination: not available
Distribution: volume of distribution is 3.1 L
Metabolism: Ikgdar 100 mg metabolized by human antimurine antibody production.
Elimination: not available
The half life of NHL is 22 days and for RA is 18.0 days, GPA and microscopic polyag .

Dosage & Administration

50 mg / hr is given, not indicated infusion toxicity, rate raised up to 50 mg / hr Success infusion: 100 mg / hr initiated rate, in not showing infusion toxicity, rate raised up to 100 mg / hr increment at 30 minutes and max of 400 mg / hr. Premedication with
LOW GRADE OR FOLLICULAR NON-HODGKINS LYMPHOMA: corticosteroids must be considered, if I kgdar 100 mg combination with CHOP chemotherapy is not given.
Once a week for 4 or 8 doses administered for Relapsed treatment for Relapsed Treatment for once weekly for 4 doses administered. Untreated Previous: given on day 1 of each cycle of chemotherapy, In up to 8 doses. Complete or partial response of patient, start with 8 weeks for maintenance following Ikgdar 100 mg in combination with chemotherapy completed then 8 weeks for 12 doses as a single agent. Once weekly for 4 doses at intervals of 6 months . Progression (Following CVP Chemotherapy Completion 6 - 8 Cycles) On Day 1 Each Cycle Of Chemotherapy Upto 8 Infusions For Diffuse Large B- Cell NHL
Before starting of FC chemotherapy, dose recommended is 375 mg / m2 followed 500 mg / m2 on day 1 of 2-6 cycles every 28 days.
Prior to the administration of Indium-111- (In-111-) Zevalin and Yttrium-90- (Y-90-) Zevalin administer Ikgdar 100 mg infusion about 250 mg / m2 within 4 hours Before to Rituxan and Y-90- Zevalin . Administer Rituxan And In-111-Zevalin 7-9 Days
Ikgdar 100 mg Injection . Is Administrator With Methotrexate Combination Ikgdar 100 mg Administrating As Two Doses Of 100 Mg IV Infusion 2 Weeks Separated When Glucocorticoids Administered As Methyl Prednisolone 100 Mg IV Subsequent Course weeks.
Weekly once for 4 weeks Administer dose of 375 mg / m2 IV infusion While Glucocorticoids combination with methylprednisolone by dose of 1000 mg IV / day given for 1-3 days and causes This drug should be intimate within 14 days before or with the starting of Ikgdar 100 mg and may continue during the 4 weeks course with treatment of Ikgdar 100 mg drug. Safety and not stated for the treatment of symptoms of serious vasculitis.


Mechanism of action:
Ikgdar 100 mg Is A Type Of Class Antibody As A Monoclonal Antibody And Which Is A New Type Of "Targeted" Cancer Treatment And An Integral Part Of The Body'S Immune System. Attachment To The Antigen For Destruction By The Immune System. The Essential Cells Only For monoclonal antibodies, they may lead to less toxicity to healthy cells and it is usually treatment recommended only for cancers in which antigens Stem cells i. eyoung cells in the bone marrow cells which will grow into various cell types and do not have the CD20 antigen. multiply

Drug Interaction

Combination with fludarabine or cyclophosphamide has no effects in pharmacopenetics in CLL patients.

Side Effects

Common effects: fever and chills (flu lik symptoms) Less common side effects: Weakness; nausea; headache; cough;


Concerning your past history of drugs used which include in prescription, non-prescription, vitamins & supplements, nutrition products just inform the doctor. without taking advice from doctors.


The drug has no sufficient and well controlled studies in humans, using in pregnant women benefits by warrant use of the drug.


Keep away from the childerns Discard the unused drug by taking the advice from doctor or pharmacist. Store at 20C-30C Use the drug before expired date Protected from direct sunlight Do not freeze or shake.
