Why Neon Genesis Evangelion attracts people

I wanna talk about why Neon Genesis Evangelion attracts the people .
At first , Do you know this Anime .
When I was junior High school student , I saw this anime .
At the moment I was so surprised coz after I finished this anime ,What’s this ? I couldn’t understand the story of this Anime 😂


I wanna introduce this story because maybe I think some people has never watched this anime.

There are 3 children who is just 14 years old . But They need to fight with angels which is enemy of the world .

This is Shinji Ikari who is main character of this anime . If you’ve already had seen this anime , you know his personality right ?
His personality is introverted and shy boy with no particular talents ,or excellences .
If I had to choose one talent of him ,His talent is strong connection with Eva .
Because when he rode the Eva first time ,
Considering it was his first time ,
His synchronizing rate was so high !!

One day he was called by his father who work in the company of NERV .
This company’s purpose is to defeat Engels . But not only to defeat Engels .
And Mr I Kari tells Shinji that he ride this robot .

But he answer that I don’t want to ride this robot ,why do you call me ,only this reason ? I don’t want to !!!
But eventually he ride the Eva and his mission was to defeat Engels .

Mr Ikari is thinking about Human Instrumentality Projects . But this information is so secret and no one knows about this project except one part of person .

my opinion

But It’s most interesting point of this anime is not described about Eva .
I mean for example do you know Grandam .
This is also Robot anime and this anime focuses on the Robot than Eva , in other words Eva focuses on the human personality ,mind ,feeling that’s why Evangelion is difference from other Robot anime .
And this anime attracts the people who become Hikikomori ,and retired from social life .
Because they can understand what Shinji think about and sympathize with his mind .

In Japan ,Many people go to the University
because the most of people go to the University and if we don’t go to ,We won’t know what I want to do ,we will worry about getting jobs without graduating from the University . My parents also said this .
And although many people go to the University ,We play all the time because they don’t understand why we study here ,we lost our goals .But we wanna know our goals ,mission . Of course depends on the person .
Shinji is also same situation because he don’t know his goals ,is just told by Gendo to ride Eva and defeat Engels.
But he is not satisfied of only this reason so He always seek his mission,goals.
Why I ride Eva and he often asks other pilots to why do you ride the Eva ?
I wants reason to live and Riding the Eva is one of the reason for him to live
That’s why He ride Eva and he is fighting with Engels .

In conclusion ,I think Shinji’s internal struggle attracts many people’s heart !
Because everyone wants the reason to live !!!

Thank for reading 📖

Shine your light 💫 See you 👋
