


New passport

Today, I went to the passport center to issue a passport. I had a clerk comfirm about my passport I lost. I expected that I lost it outside, and someone picked up and delivered to the passport center. However, such a thing didn’t happened.

    • Eating🥲

      I’m challenging not to eat anything during sleeping now. I’m sure to wake up once during sleeping and eat something. So, I put an apple near me to prepare myself for when I wake up. I don’t want eat anything late at night.

      • Cherish each day

        Ten days have already passed in this month. I feel the time passes very fast. Maybe, 2023 will pass quickly. So, I want to live each day to the fullest. I will make this year better than last year!! 힘내자!!

        • Graduation thesis

          Today, I made the document for my final presentation. I have to done it by tomorrow because I have the rehearsal the day after tomorrow. It’s so hard that I want to escape from reality. Now I also wrote the graduation thesis. I have

          Today’s diary(1/7)

          Today, I went to an exhibition of Molcar in Ikebukuro. It was very cute, and I felt releaved. After that, I went to Shinokubo, and eat Korean food. I just came back in Tokyo, but I enjoyed to the fullest.

          Today’s diary(1/7)

          1/6 Today’s diary

          I will go back in Tokyo tomorrow. I feel a little lonely because I won’t be able to see my family and friends for a while. I’ll do my best with studying and take care of my health even I go back in Tokyo.

          1/6 Today’s diary

          英語学習 9/19

          I had not been able to update my blog for a while... Today I blog after a long time. Words and phrases I learned today are the bottom ones. 焦る be frustrated, be rushed 首が凝る I have a stiff neck. 喉が痒い My throat is schrachy See you again!!

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          英語学習 9/14

          つま先: toes 足の裏が痛い: My sole hurt. I studied English a little today. 잘 자!!

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          英語学習 9/12

          どんなときでも: any time, always, no matter what, whenever ほうれい線: nasolabial folds リップがとれた: the lipstick came off I learned a word and phrases above! l went to the beauty salon to have my hair cut. I’m having a happy day today! Good night☆*

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          I want to call my family. l think I’ll call tomorrow… I’m looking forward to it!! 잘 자~~!!

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          英語勉強 9/10

          Today I worked part time at the Korean restaurant. I’m a little tired, but I’ll finish my assignment. 화이팅!!

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          I’ve been losing a lot of hair resently…ㅠㅠ I was in the mood for gummies today.

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