#5 2022/09/29

the drinking part

I participated in   ((飲み会に)参加した = joined) a drinking party today. The member of the community where people who used to work for SONY belong was there. That was the first time in this past half of the year that I met Sato-san, Tanaka-san, Yoshiwara-san and Hirose-san, and this was the very first time for me to meet Sasaki-san today. When Ayumi and I arrived at the party, they (他の皆さん = everyone else)already started to eating and drinking. The reason why we were late was just Ayumi took much time to buy her socks. That's not funny at all.  By the way, I was glad that I could take as much food and drink as I could have at the party, and most of all, we attended for free! (Yoshiwara-san treated us as a celebration because we just got engaged.) Everybody there was enjoying themselves eating and drinking from beginning to end. As for what we talked was related to what we Japanese should take care and some of them was serious. The most impressive one was about the situation we are in, that is, the critical economic situation of Japan; the value of yen is getting lower and lower now. We're worried that we possibly can't go overseas for honeymoon because the value of yen may become weaker in the near future. They were worried about our situation (they are really nice). The second one was about when to buy our house. Including Sato-san, the seniors recommended us that we buy our house before the interest rate goes up. Indeed, the interest rate and cost of living  (物価=price)are expected to increase from now on. I really appreciated their advice. I think I should think seriously about our future especially about when to buy our house. 

go for a drink with ~


interest rate
金利が上昇する:rise, go up
In U.S. and European financial markets, long-term interest rates rose, mainly reflecting an increase in concerns about inflation.
金利が低下する:fall, go down
If economic entities' expected real interest rates fall, this will stimulate demand in the real economy in anumber of ways (Chart 11).


Although it is depression, still price is high

Do you think it easy to get on with workers?
I think it is relatively difficult. Compared to the relationship between friends, the one in office is more complicated because of the evaluation and salary. We end up giving up constructing a better relationship as we conflict in our jobs.

Today I attended a drinking party. Members of a community of people who used to work at SONY joined us. I had not seen Mr. Sato, Mr. Tanaka, Mr. Yoshihara, and Mr. Hirose for six months, but today was my first time with Mr. Sasaki. When Ayumi and I arrived, everyone else had already started drinking. The only reason we were late was that Ayumi had taken the time to buy socks. Not funny at all.  At any rate(いずれにせよ), we had all the food and drinks we could eat at the party, and most of all, we were happy to attend for free. (Mr. Yoshihara bought me a drink as a celebration of his engagement.) Everyone seemed to enjoy eating and drinking from start to finish. The talks were about things that all Japanese people should be aware of, and some of them were very serious. What impressed me the most was the situation we are in, that is, the critical economic situation in Japan. I was worried that I might not be able to go abroad on my honeymoon because the yen might depreciate in the future. Everyone was also worried (they are really nice people). Next we talked about when we would buy a house. The seniors, including Mr. Sato, recommended that we should buy a house before interest rates go up. Indeed, both interest rates and prices are expected to rise in the future. It is advice that I really appreciate. From now on, I think we need to seriously think about the future, especially the timing of buying a house.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

depreciate: 価値が下がる
depreciate against foreign currency
