#2 2022/09/11



When it's 9:30, I got up in my bed. It was already lightened up outside and I felt cool that time. I felt like we're shifted to the autumn season little by little. Since It was so hot last summer, I'm really glad to feel the autumn atmosphere. The overtime hours went over than ever even though I had summer vacation (Obon-yasumi) in the middle of this month, so I've been gradually worn out over last 2 weeks. So, I made a perfect decision to chill out in my room instead of cleaning my kitchen and bathroom that I make a rule to do every Saturday morning. However, (this is based on my character) I couldn't help spending my valuable time with doing something helpful, I stood up and started to check my household account of these days just because I wanted to know how much money I spent in each items. Against my  expectation, I succeeded to have done with my work to calculate the numbers and organize my expenditures and incomes in an Excel file. Because I've been not good at checking the household account (more of a person who have an allergy to it),  today's work was kind of a big step toward a decent adult man. I want to live on my own and be responsible for my own life. I want to manage not only my household account but also myself. I got worn out a little bit more by calculating my money; my brain didn't get used to work for such a calculation. Finally I fall asleep in my bed even though the sun didn't fall yet. Not on a couch, but in my bed. It was a gorgeous time.

DeepL translation(E→J)



DeepL translation(J→E)

I woke up at 9:30 in the morning. Outside the curtains it felt bright and fresh. I had the sensation that I was gradually shifting into a calmer season. This summer was incredibly hot, so I was already happy to feel autumn approaching. Work has been busy for the past two weeks, and despite the Obon vacation, my monthly overtime hours have reached a new record. Every Saturday morning, I usually clean the water around the house, but today was the only day I decided to skip cleaning and take it easy. However, I couldn't sit still, so I decided that if I was going to spend all that time, I should at least take a look at the current state of my financial assets as well as my household finances, so I took out my MacBook and started working on it as if I were at work. The work progressed well, and I was able to organize my recent income and expenses into an Excel file. I am proud to say that this is a big step forward for me, as I have always been allergic to household finances. I am going to take proper responsibility for my life from now on. I want to be able to manage not only money matters but also my own affairs. Perhaps it was because I used an area of my brain that I don't usually use for organizing the household budget, but I felt strangely tired. I took a nap in bed in the evening. Not on the sofa, but in bed. It was a very luxurious time.
