
【ビジ英徹底復習】2024年夏号 Lesson 1 Best Advice Ever

Hello everyone,

★★★ 辞典をお持ちの方のみとさせていただきます ★★★
7/28(日) 7:00pm - 7:30pm


Best Advice Ever:

  1. Embrace Challenges: See obstacles as learning opportunities.

  2. Continuous Learning: Always seek new knowledge and stay curious.

  3. Learn from Mistakes: Use failures as stepping stones to success.

  4. Seek Feedback: Actively seek and use constructive criticism.

  5. Set Clear Goals: Define, break down, and stay committed to your objectives.

  6. Prioritize Health: Maintain physical and mental well-being.

  7. Build Relationships: Invest in and nurture strong, positive relationships.

  8. Practice Gratitude: Regularly appreciate what you have and express it.

  9. Manage Finances: Budget, save, and invest wisely.

  10. Be Adaptable: Stay open to change and innovation.

Let's review the important expressions quickly.

(1) Imperil, Stellar

  • Imperil: 危険にさらす、危うくする

    • 例文: His actions could imperil the mission.

  • Stellar: 際立った、一流の、優れた

    • 例文: She gave a stellar performance in the play.

(2) Get bogged down, Know it all

  • Get bogged down: 身動きが取れなくなる、行き詰まる

    • 例文: Don't get bogged down by the details.

  • Know it all: すべてを知っている

    • 例文: He acts like a know-it-all, but he often gets things wrong.

(3) Deathbed, Be true to yourself

  • Deathbed: 死の床、臨終

    • 例文: He made his final wishes known on his deathbed.

  • Be true to yourself: 自分自身に誠実でいる

    • 例文: It's important to be true to yourself in all situations.

(4) Nothing short of, Disgrace

  • Nothing short of: まったく…以外の何ものでもない

    • 例文: The results are nothing short of amazing.

  • Disgrace: 不名誉

    • 例文: His actions brought disgrace to the family.

(5) Audacity, Tardiness, Stage a protest, Hiccup, Be instilled in

  • Audacity: 大胆さ

    • 例文: He had the audacity to question her decision.

  • Tardiness: 遅刻

    • 例文: His tardiness is becoming a problem.

  • Stage a protest: 抗議活動を行う

    • 例文: The workers decided to stage a protest.

  • Hiccup: ちょっとした遅れ

    • 例文: There was a slight hiccup in the schedule.

  • Be instilled in: 徐々に教え込まれる

    • 例文: Good manners were instilled in him from a young age.
