Future of Trade 2023, Standard Charterd, August 2023.

Global trade is shifting. Are businesses prepared to capture the opportunities?

Our special Future of Trade report includes:

  • Insights into the corridors set to fuel global trade growth

  • Deep-dives into 13 key markets to know

  • A look at the digital technologies which can power more connected and resilient trade

  • The challenges to growth - and the policy changes which can support it

What’s in the report Future of Trade 2023

Our analysis of the high-growth trade corridors in Asia, Africa and the Middle East set to outpace the global average.

Global trade is shifting

Asia, Africa, and the Middle East will anchor global trade by 2030, with Asia in the lead. Intra-regional trade - particularly within ASEAN and East Asia - will be significant.

Navigating challenges

Businesses in Asia, Africa and the Middle East must focus on building more resilient supply chains to continue to take advantage of growth opportunities and drive the next decade of global trade.

Digital game-changers

Greater adoption of these solutions across supply chains could greatly improve supply chain resilience, and ESG compliance to make global trade more sustainable, inclusive and transparent.