Statement by Ambassador Rahm Emanuel on the U.S.-Japan Agreement on Strengthening Critical Supply Chains, The U.S. Embassy of Japan, Mar 28, 2023.

By U.S. Mission Japan

This landmark critical minerals agreement between the United States and Japan is proof of the coordinated commitment between our two countries to secure supply chains and counter economic coercion.

As the top investor in the United States, as a fellow democracy that respects international law, and as G7 president, Japan is an indispensable partner in establishing resilient and secure supply chains. Together, we will ensure that essential inputs to emerging technologies will be available to industry, and together we will degrade the ability of malign actors to restrict or control the flow of critical minerals as a form of economic coercion.

This is the U.S.-Japan relationship in action: together protecting our businesses, developing next-generation battery technology, and promoting fair trade, labor, and environmental standards.