
Dewa no Kami

There are people called 'Dewa no Kami' in Japan. Overseas, in Europe, in China, etc., they are often discussed in the context of comparing other countries with Japan, and typically, the so-called intellectuals tend to disparage Japan.

I switched my career from sales to information systems. I moved from a physically demanding department to a job that primarily requires mental effort, and it's exhausting.

The work I'm doing isn't particularly innovative. It's a world that hasn't changed much from 10 years ago. In that sense, the Dewa no Kami may be right.

However, when foreign Dewa no Kami criticize Japan for being behind in digitalization, they usually don't offer solutions.

Perhaps Dewa no Kami are critics who don't engage in practical work.

The world functions thanks to practical workers who firmly tread on the ground.

The opinions of critic Dewa no Kami are just that – opinions. We need to think about what should be done in response.
