
Be careful and talk

It's easy for you not to hurt anyone.

・ Do not say anything unpleasant.
・ Do not misunderstand.
・ Do not blame.

But I can't do these.
So I wrote to read this article back.

▼I say nothing unpleasant.

(1)I'm all ears.
・I don't give my opinion right away.
・I don't deny anything.
・I don't deny that you think so.
・I try to understand you.

(2)I'm listening to you.
・I'm looking at you.
・I'm listening to you empty-handed.
・I keep quiet and nod.
・Lastly, I repeat what you wanted to say.

(3)I say nothing unpleasant.
・I don't compare you to anyone.
・I don't assume I know how you think.
・I don't rake over old ashes.
・I don't judge a book by its cover.

▼I make things clear.

・I explain the reason.
・I will state the facts and explain things.
・I express it in specific figures.
・I don't make you wait.

▼I will be kind.

・I don't blame at all you.
・I will be waiting for you.
・I give everyone more time.
・I don't talk back.

▼I apologize.

・If I bear you ill will, I apologize.

▼I appreciate.

・If this is fate, I appreciate.
