
Using ./* with the file command in Linux is a way to apply the command to all files and directories in the current directory. The . represents the current directory, and * is a wildcard that matches all files and directories within it. When you use ./* with file, it will display the type of each item in the current directory. Here's how you do it:

bashCopy code

file ./*

This command will output the type of each file and directory in the current directory, as identified by the file command. For example, it might show whether an item is a text file, an executable, an image, a directory, etc.

The output will look something like this for each file or directory:

bashCopy code

./example.txt: ASCII text ./my_script.sh: Bourne-Again shell script, ASCII text executable ./my_directory: directory

This is a helpful way to quickly get an overview of the types of files and directories in your current location.
