what is OSI Model?

The OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model

is a conceptual framework used to understand and describe the process of communication in a network. It's designed to be a universal standard for how different networking systems can communicate. The model divides the process into seven distinct layers, each with a specific function. Here's a brief overview of each layer:

  1. Physical Layer: This is the lowest layer of the OSI model. It deals with the physical connection between devices, including aspects like cables, switches, and electrical signals.

  2. Data Link Layer: This layer is responsible for establishing, maintaining, and terminating a connection between two physically connected devices. It also provides error detection and correction to ensure data is transmitted reliably.

  3. Network Layer: The Network layer manages the delivery of data packets from the source to the destination across multiple networks. It handles routing, addressing, and traffic control.

  4. Transport Layer: This layer ensures complete data transfer. It's responsible for error recovery and flow control. It makes sure that the data is sent in a reliable and efficient manner.

  5. Session Layer: The Session layer establishes, manages, and terminates connections (sessions) between applications. It's like a dialogue controller that keeps communication organized.

  6. Presentation Layer: This layer translates data between the application layer and the network. It ensures that data sent by an application in one system is readable by an application in another system. Think of it as a translator for data formats.

  7. Application Layer: The topmost layer of the OSI model, the Application layer, interfaces directly with the end-user. It provides various network services to applications, like email, file transfers, and web browsing.

Each layer in the OSI model only interacts with its immediate neighbors: the layers directly above and below it. This modular approach allows for different types of network hardware and software to communicate effectively, regardless of their underlying architecture.

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